© 2020 J.Hamilton
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To become the mechanism by which we create world peace, we first need to understand a bit about the planet we live on and the rules of this plane of existence that we are bound by.
We live in a world of polarity, and polarity is the most powerful tool we have available to us. It is polarity that allows us to work our way up out of the ooze of the lower realms of rigidity and resistance on planet earth. It is the fundamental contrast between rigidity and allowing that helps us make decisions that propel us forward.
Think about it.. Rigidity and resistance bring us more of the same. Allowing brings us something new and different in each moment. As we continue to allow, we continuously tap into new potentials of expression!
And through allowing, the Unknown becomes vastly more available.
While most think of polarity as good or evil, fast or slow, or high or low, or pain or pleasure, as we move out of the ooze of the lower realms, our choices become far more subtle. For example, our choices can become the difference between strawberry and chocolate ice cream, or the subtleties of two flavors of chocolate, or two flavors of vanilla! Or, two different color choices on otherwise identical automobiles you admire!
Polarity will always be with us but it can become quite subtle, and in this understanding comes our first real clues!
Polarity is how we continue to make more refined choices. Refined choices allow us to have more of what we want in our lives, and refined choices allow us to steer our lives in any direction we choose.
This planet of polarity is actually a birthing location for Ascension as we come to understand the subtleties of polarity. But first we have to learn to harness polarity for the more fundamental pursuits of simply living life to the fullest.
If you notice the person on the ladder, as she climbs, you can imagine first one half of her hip rises up and as she takes another step on the ladder, the other half of her hip rises. Another step and the hip rises up again. This is polarity at its most fundamental.
By an understanding of contrast and clarity and making better choices, we can work our way out of anything!
Understanding contrast and clarity is a very good use of our time.
310 878-2260
Sedona, Arizona 86336
Beyond resistance lies a world of synchronicity, harmony and order.
Said another way, resistance brings us everything we do not want.
–J.Hamilton nosce te ipsum
tat sannidhau vairatyagah
About J.Hamilton
Imagine A Solution
Copyright 2007 – 2020 J.Hamilton
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The Twelve Premises of CORE Resonance Colonies™ – for an enlightened world — Download For Free!
The fifth book by J.Hamilton (2015) lays out the foundation for CORE Resonance Colonies™. Colonies™ as groups of six spread across the planet, magnify and ground coherence into the realm of humanity as an antidote to our dysfunctional behavior as a species. By refining and quieting the human nervous system, we become mechanisms by which Innate Intelligence as coherence dispels dissonance, destructive patterns and habits and disorder on our planet. Coherence becomes the governing force for humanity and returns us to a healthy species. Colonies™ provide solutions to the problems of humanity by harnessing non-traditional but ever-present sciences and tools available to us right now.
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Use Coupon Code “world peace” without quotations marks.
Quantum Activism
Taproot by CORE Resonance
The Power of Polarity and Choice
Coherence Dissipates Distortion
Exponential Contribution
Is Coherence The New Magic?
TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance
Intentional Communities and Intentional Corporations
~harnessing the power of coherent groups~
CORE Resonance Colonies™
Problems are of the mind,
Solutions are of the Divine..™
Alignment before Action
each and every day..
stay tuned™
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