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014_The Power of Coherence and Exponential Multipliers

–©  2023  J.Hamilton  By J.Hamilton

Video Blog

The VisionariesLab blog series is designed to create a conversation around the source of truest success and ultimate personal performance. As we come to understand the mechanics of true success, we become empowered like never before. After all, before the humans can save the whales, we have to save ourselves. As we come to step into our power, we become exponential in our contribution for making the world a better place.

Anyone can submit questions, anyone can join the conversation and anyone can step into their truest power. Let me know your thoughts. You can write me at, or comment at the bottom of this page or in the comments section of the videos on Vimeo.


Rev. James Hamilton

Thoughts and Notes:

Being in awe of Elon Musk’s capacity to motivate humans, I’ve always assumed he simply looks for people who want to be there! And curiously, people who want to work with Elon are producing miraculous results—and doing so incredibly quickly! Building an exponentially coherent group of people must produce a fabulous team spirit and a sky-high atmosphere for thriving! Hint: How might things be different if we all did what we truly wanted to do?

I ran across a statement from one of the groups that report on “all things Elon” [Alpha Tech] and they repeated remarks from one of the SpaceX employees:

People at SpaceX are really mission driven. Our goal is to help humanity become a multiplanetary species. We take the hardest shots. It’s better to pick giant, hard things to achieve rather than to pick easy choices. We set aggressive goals and strive to reach them. That’s how we’ll make the fastest progress. We try to avoid analysis paralysis and in all of our work; we build, test and break things, and iterate with a sense of urgency. We try not to limit our thinking except by the limits imposed by physics.

If someone says something can’t be done, whether it’s a business decision or an engineering one, they better have Einstein and Newton backing them up. Otherwise, it’s ripe for discussion. And we don’t limit our thinking with hierarchies either. We have a pretty flat organization and the best ideas always win.

All the while, humanity has been relying on gov (or “them” or somebody) to solve our problems! In the meantime, there is plastic in our organs and blood, the oceans are full of plastic and the whales and honey bees are stretched to their limit.. It seems the humans are going to have to solve the problems we face—and soon! Luckily, coherence and exponential multipliers are the tools of choice.

CORE Resonance has been developing technologies over the past 20 years founded on the principles of the Maharishi Effect, the Map of Consciousness, and a little known article titled Are Inventions Inevitable: A Note On Social Evolution by two Columbia professors (1922) identifying that inventions and discoveries and processes are discovered by multiple parties simultaneously—i.e., we are all recipients of Source.

It turns out our nervous system is not so different from a living antenna system. And as we quiet the nervous system (the brain being the single biggest part), the frequency of God/ Coherence is attracted and leaks or pours through us into the world of mankind and coalesces as coherence. And as every one knows: coherence dissipates distortion—not so different from a flashlight dispelling darkness.

Note: Resistance and consciousness are inverse. As resistance goes down, allowing goes up! As allowing goes up, we simply become more blended with Source! It’s that simple!

All we have to do is understand that it is up to the humans to step into our truest power, i.e., our connection with Source, and allow this frequency to express “through us.” As as we learn to how to use Choice Points™ and allow “allowing” to do the heavy lifting, we can turn dissonance and distortion into coherence.

And a coherent existence, individually and collectively, is a beautiful thing—not so different from being deep in a forest or surrounded by redwoods. The next thing we discover is that the adventure and journey, individually and as a species, is just beginning. What’s next is more than most of us can even begin to imagine!

There is so much more available than we know. It turns out the Universe is solutions-oriented. We simply need to move past the analysis paralysis, blend into our potential and do our part. True success is as natural as breathing or a heartbeat, or a beautiful dream, and only a Choice Point™ away.

Contributing to the unfolding of our one and only planet is a good use of our time!

Rev. James Hamilton

Note: I have several talks in LA, Ojai and Santa Barbara for mid June. Let me know of your interest. Flyer

014_The Power of Coherence and Exponential Multipliers

Description: As we learn to have dominion over the mind, we move past the mind & enable our natural state of connection with Source. As we move deeper into allowing, we naturally become blended with Source. Blended with Source, we now move through life (and business) contributing exponentially coherent outcomes. Grounding coherence into the world brings peace, order and justice where dissonance and disorder once reigned! Anyone can learn to do it!

Map of Consciousness, Dr David Hawkins, Power vs Force.
The importance of courage on the Map of Consciousness.
Moving away from resistance and into more allowing. (6:18)
Moving away from resistance and into more allowing.
One person at 700 counterbalances the negativity of 70million people under 200.
Where to learn more about the Map of Consciousness? (8:41)
Where to learn more about the map of consciousness.
Where to find more information about Jim.
Why I don’t believe in voting. (11:03)
The difference between voting and grassroots change.
Meditation and neurofeedback.
The power of moving out of the mind. (13:15)

Part 1 Video Summary:
Rob’s introduction. (0:04)
Introduction of Rob Christie and Jim Hamilton.
The concept of exponential multipliers.
The definition of exponential multipliers. (1:32)
Exponential multipliers and the Maharishi Effect.
The Map of Consciousness and the exponential multipliers.
The Map of Consciousness and its importance. (4:21)

A lifetime of meditation is not enough.
The need for exponential multipliers and tools.
The difference between mind-based and nervous system-based technology. (15:12)
Mind-based and nervous system-based technology.
Four variations of affirmations, believe it or not.
Soaring Affirmations™, Prosperity! ..and Guidance Lite™ (17:03)
The power of Soaring Affirmations™, Prosperity! ..and Guidance Lite™.
Visionaries Thrive In All Times.
The worst kind of affirmations to use. (18:39)
Different kinds of affirmations, including anger, depression, etc.
The benefits of Soaring Affirmations™.
How to get started with Soaring Affirmations™.
The First Function and the Mind.

Demonstrations for 30 years to measure effect of meditation on crime.
In 1993, 4000 experienced meditators converged on Wash DC.
Crime dropped 23.3% in the seventh week when the most meditators were present.
Coherence dissipates disorder; order naturally ensues.
Move out of your mind and life opens up. (6:45)
The Maharishi Effect, moving out of the mind.
Coherence dissipates distortion.
Thanks to Jim for the description. (10:09)
Introduction to the Maharishi Effect.
The Maharishi Effect is not the only contribution.
Are Inventions Inevitable: A Note On Social Evolution. (11:25)
Doing it with a partner or in community.
Are Inventions Inevitable: A Note On Social Evolution
The article was written in 1922 by two Columbia

Part 2 Video Summary:
Introduction to today’s episode. (0:04)
Introduction to Rob Christie and Jim Hamilton.
The Maharishi Effect.
Rob’s introduction to meditation. (1:38)
The Maharishi Effect is a special concept.
Maharishi introduced meditation to the western world.
Experience meditators and crime reduction. (3:21)

University professors.
The nervous system is our center.
The nervous system is made out of neurons. (15:04)
The nervous system is made of neurons and microtubules.
Nervous system is similar to a living antenna system.
All inventions and discoveries are a product of intuitive insights and hunches.
The Are Inventions Inevitable? article identified:
Sunspots discovered by multiple parties simultaneously. (18:04)
The telescope, thermometer, telegraph, telephone, etc. were discovered by multiple parties simultaneously.
Airplanes were invented by two parties simultaneously.
Humans are receivers of information. (20:39)

Nervous system resonating in a certain manner.
Heart-centered vs nervous system-centered.
Humans need to learn how to quiet down internally.
The Maharishi Effect.
Why you’ve been drawn to this podcast. (10:45)
You were drawn here today for a personal challenge or to make a difference in the world.
Curiously, it is all the same road!
How to gain dominion over your mind. (12:30)
Gaining dominion over the mind and the ability to relax.
Contradictory mind.
Visionaries Thrive In All Times.
The 10 Commandments and The Book of the Dead.
Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. (16:37)

Part 3 Video Summary:
Intro to this episode. (0:04)
Introduction to Jim Hamilton, author of five books.
What are exponential multipliers in a nutshell?
What it really boils down to. (3:31)
Humans are not whole on their own.
Heart-centered is metaphorical and not quite accurate.
What does heart felt mean? (6:07)

Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
Government is a type of governance. God is a type of governance.
Soaring Affirmations™, Prosperity! ..and Guidance Lite™. (18:04)
Saturating the mind with affirmations and Soaring Affirmations™.
100 lessons in 100 days.
Harnessing the mind and tapping into Guidance.
CORE Resonance and TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance.
Letting go of rigidity. (21:38)
Six people share the ownership of the equipment.
Coherence as the foundation of an organization!
The extra innings of life. (23:28)

Let me know what you think!
Heck, let’s start a conversation!

Contact info


PS I would love a bit of coaching of the strategy and details of distribution through Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.. Anybody available for a few conversations? Thanks!

Download an excerpt from Synopsis of The Twelve Premises of CORE Resonance: for an enlightened world (2014) by J.Hamilton

As we rise up in our frequency, we are met with “messengers,” i.e., Innate Guidance delivering solutions to what we once attempted to achieve on our own.

As Presence and Guidance become tangible, Innate Guidance begins to physically interact and even override our decision-making process.

You then know you are on your way.
[link to free download of Synopsis]

Coaching, Consulting & Resets by J.Hamilton

    • Long term strategies, game plans, resets and specific objectives aligned with business, negotiations, pleasure, relationships, spiritual endeavors, meditation, etc.
    • Immediate issues, concerns and healing with a solutions-orientation that knows no bounds.
    • The evaluating and re-establishment of patterns and habits that produce new outcomes, and
    • Anti-aging Strategies, i.e., evaluating and upgrading unconsciously held patterns and habits to better serve our chosen trajectories! After all, some of us might want to live a very long time and pass when we choose. (Some may even want to see how all of this turns out 🙂

Contact Rev. James Hamilton

Free Download  CORE Resonance:
ultimate personal performance

The culmination of thirty years of research by author J.Hamilton, CORE Resonance is the best 21st century survival guide and success tool wrapped into one simple volume of 10 simple chapters. Learn how to move from reacting to your environment to a partnership with a Success System that knows no bounds.

Rev. James Hamilton

I am always available for a free 30min consultation..

Free 30min Consultation
via Zoom or Phone

Additionally, check out:

Soaring Affirmations™, Prosperity!
..and Guidance Lite™
Save $100.00!
