Flash: Leadership Conference Las Vegas Wrap-up  “Listen” here


Collaborative Crowd Funding can be used to:

  1. Unify your tribes (family and friends, clients, patrons, organizations, etc.)
  2. Dream dreams bigger than paying your bills
  3. Voyage on this advantaged frequency
  4. Recognize that we don’t yet understand money
  5. Operate in a parallel economic universe dictated by the rules of Gifting
  6. Begin to buy gold

Collaborative Crowd Funding 
Principle #1: Unify Your Tribes

There is a community that you could be pulling together. It could be your past clients which envelops your future clients. It could be extended family or your church group; it could be patrons of a socially worthwhile organization you promote or support. Or it could be a good cause like veterans, hunger, child abuse, shelters for women (or men), literacy or outreaches to the community like teaching artistic endeavors (painting for example), personal empowerment or even the many variations of meditation and spiritual pursuits.

Your tribe can be direct to you, or something that is your dream to fund and contribute to, or simply get off the ground so others can have a vehicle for expressing themselves.

And, what if you discovered that there is no shortage of money, you just have to learn how to attract it and start funding what you would like to see next in the world. What if the only thing keeping you back, beside the lack of size to your dream, was funding.. And what if funding is just an idea and an understanding away.

Collaborative Crowd Funding is an alternative to the rat race for enabling yourself of funds to make the world a better place. Collaborative Crowd Funding allows individuals of all economic, ethnic, nationalistic and social backgrounds to think big, stretch their minds and do what is inside of them to do–to let it out.

The excuse that you don’t have the money–those days of powerlessness are over. Especially, for the one’s that want to break out of their self-imposed exile of being a significant creator of change and contribution on this planet. After all, we react to life, we live life and some of us even surf life. Some are observers and others are visionaries.

Visionaries should all be funded.
Everyone should be a visionary!

click to watch (1 min)










It has always been a choice. We can build what’s next.. or we can continue
to do the same thing expecting different results. Collaborative Crowd Funding
is a reminder about the power of community.. Psst Watch this 1 min video

Teach Empowerment: its good for everybody.

The links for studying this begins at:

Contact me for additional information!

Wishing you well
Jim Hamilton
310 878-2260
Beyond resistance lies a world of synchronicity, harmony and order
Said another way, resistance brings us everything we do not want
                                         nosce te ipsum 
About Jim Hamilton

“The 18th century gave rights to man. The 19th century gave rights to slaves.
The 20th century gave rights to women. The 21st century will give rights to animals.”
–Dada Vaswani
additional info: