Intro to Cryptocurrency (advanced-updated)

The wealth of humanity has got to be held somewhere.. And, so far, gov and the banks have taken advantage of this huge responsibility and abused it (and abused it) and abused it. As fiat currencies and governments fail, cryptocurrency becomes the receptacle by which...

The Wealth of Humanity

I wish I could express how very big cryptocurrency is, and how very big it is going to become.. The wealth of humanity has got to be held somewhere safe.. and cryptocurrency is the answer! Cryptocurrency is incorruptible, cannot be liened, levied or seized, and it is...

Merry Crypto!

–©2017 J.Hamilton by J.Hamilton It is my Christmas wish to dramatically speed up your cryptocurrency learning curve! I can start your education on the “inside looking out” rather than trying to learn about cryptocurrency “from...

How Do We Protect Ourselves?

©J.Hamilton In remembrance of Dr. Brent R. Baker, Cave Creek, Arizona, a good friend and “doer of good.” There was a time when humans, plants and animals lived on the earth in relative simplicity. During the Crusades of the 12th...

The Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrency Connection

–© 2017 J.Hamilton Everything is becoming digital. Mail has been replaced by email; the library has been replaced by Google, and bookstores are almost gone. The use of cash and checks has been replaced by debit and credit cards, and debit...