Intro to Cryptocurrency

Alexis and I wish to invite you to join us… in the discovery of cryptocurrency! We have entered into four crypto-currencies (digital currencies) and wish to guide you if you so desire. We are involved in Onecoin, Procoin, a very exciting start-up and Bitcoin....

..recent correspondence

It was my pleasure to speak with you yesterday early evening. In our conversation we burrowed down to what we really want: peace in our lives and our surroundings. In a world of confusion and polarity, “me vs him,” etc., more and more of us are realizing we have “had...

Spiritual Branding!

I came up with an expression on the 21st of Nov.. The expression is: Doors Untold Unfold… I came up with “Spiritual Branding” a few days later. Spiritual Branding starts from the ground up.. clearing the land and the property and the intention. And...

CORE Resonance Tune-Up!™

–© 2016 J.Hamilton By J.Hamilton Become in charge of your life Ramp it up another notch Cutting-edge advantage delivering what you most want in your life.. Everyone is on overload! Well, maybe not the Dali Lama but I bet most everyone else...

Leadership and CORE Resonance Colonies™

–© 2016 J.Hamilton By J.Hamilton   CORE Resonance says everything is a subset of God/ Innate Intelligence/Source, Universal Mind, etc. Everything (plant, animal, mineral kingdoms, stars, inner and outer space, etc.) is a means by which...