Welcome To One Of The Many Variations Of The 21st Century!.)
Fear is rampant. Speculation is rampant. Conspiracy theories are rampant. Quarantine is rampant and resistance is becoming rampant. Indeed, coronavirus affects the entire world. Never has their been a “problem” that affected everyone. Like a shadow over the earth, initially over a three week period, everyone has come under its influence–and continues to be under its influence!
While there are so many forces at play, polarity is the big one. And fear seems to be winning out. Yes, there are lots of people who do not fear, but most do at some level or another. Their jobs, their rent, their families, their money and savings, and on and on. And, it is assumed there are plenty who look on the positive side. They say, “all of this is a solution unfolding. It takes something big to break from our norms to start anew; to allow the old to break down for the new to come in.”
The Biggest Problem Is Fear Of The Unknown
There is so much we don’t yet know about the virus. And the problem with fear is it complicates our thinking; our reactionary processes and undermines our intuition and insight. The media is one-sided in its delivery of what’s going on and doesn’t seem to explore the “possibillites” but instead reports on the herd mentality’s sense of “what’s what” which delivers little useful information. Not to mention, the media censors information.
After all, media siphons life from people by engendering sensationalism; it reports what titilates the senses and if what it reports scares us to death, all the better. We become glued to the “news.” We become glued to the “bad news” and the “news” becomes the leader. Seems there are a number of factions that would like to be the leader.. your leader for purposes of profit. And scaring people is the easiest mechansim to cause an overload of the senses which makes us far more managable.
But What If We Didn’t Need To Be Afraid?
What if we knew that like everything else that has happened in the past; this too shall pass. Once people who thought the world was ending (dust bowls, depressions, stock market crashes, housing bubble, etc,) jumped from highrise windows, now with economic market crashes, we wait. And, as it always turns out, it gets better. The coronavirus is no different. The markets will come back and bring incredible opportunities along with the impact of a global reduction of pollution, a stark reminder there is incredibe resiliancy in everything. Not only is there life after coronavirus, coronavirus gives us a chance to start over, clean up and upgrade our very nature!
The first thing we need to address is the uncertaintly of what happens if we contract coronavirus. What if there was a simple “home-made” solution for anyone who contracted it, and that problem was omitted from your list of concerns that cripples your thinking? And your outlook? And your potential for expressing? What if we could readily overcome coronavirus on our own? Then we can worry about where coronavirus came from, or spend out time rebuilding our planet more in line with the needs of all of humanity.
Coronavirus can be a good use of our time if we are not afraid of it!
Using MMS/CDS is your responsibility and yours alone.
I simply publish my experiences
Short Introduction To Master Mineral Solution (MMS)
In 1996 a man named Jim Humble discovered that a simple water purification substance (used worldwide) was effective in eradicating malaria. After the first cases of malaria were recovered, Jim went on to develop a formula using this substance mixed with a food grade acid—he called it MMS (Master Mineral Solution). Since that time MMS has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of diseases. MMS is a weak oxidizer that when used properly can run through the human body destroying disease pathogens and the poisons that they create while doing no harm to the body. It is estimated that more than 20,000,000 people have used MMS to date and there have been hundreds of thousands of lives saved and many more improved. Up-to-date and complete detailed information on MMS and how to use it to recover health is found in Jim’s series of books available at: jimhumble.co/bookstore
And some links:
• Jim Humble’s MMS Books
• How to Make MMS
• Some History of MMS (Chlorine Dioxide)
• Important Facts Regarding MMS
• The MMS Protocols
• Where to get MMS
• MMS Testimonials
- Here is another great information link by Charlotte Lackney. Note: this page contains windows with additional links when scrolled.
- My favorite location for ordering MMS. Note: they presently ship a pair of 2oz bottles for $10 for this pandemic issue. 4oz bottles are normal. 2oz bottles last quite a while.
Note: Because the Genesis Church II was shut down by the FDA and FTC, some of these links no longer work. The Church was shut down because it claimed to be able to cure Covid. Apparently, this is not a good idea. In its place, suppliers of Chlorine Dioxide have now sprung up on Amazon under the heading of water purification – which CD has been doing for a long time.
• There are lots of sets of bottles offered on Amazon but you want the hydrochloric acid activator rather than the citric acid activator (which is the older activator). Both work but hydrochloric acid is much better.
• A lot of sellers are selling 2oz bottles. I’d recommend the 4oz bottles.
• DMSO is optional. I have a friend who uses chlorine dioxide very successfully as I have done, and she says DMSO helps chlorine dioxide get deeper into the body tissues, etc.
• Chlorine dioxide Test Strips are optional and necessary but you can see how long before chlorine dioxide degrades in an open bottle, for example.
• Chlorine dioxide is the chemical name for MMS which is a “generic” term for chlorine dioxide
Recommendations for Amazon:
• Oneness Chlorine Dioxide Kit 2 Part Classic Liquid 1:1 Set Hydrochloric Acid 4-5% (HCl) : Sodium Solution 28% (4oz)
• DMSO Dimethyl Sulfoxide Low Odor in Glass 8 oz Bottle 99.995% Pharma Grade
• Chlorine Dioxide Single Factor Test Strips, 0-500 ppm [Vial of 50 Strips]
• Don’t share your bottles with others in need. Order extras if you want to be able to share but get people to replace what you share with them. Always keep an inventory of chlorine dioxide for yourself.
• The Oneness set of bottles sells 4 sets of bottles for the price of three. I’d keep the stuff around 🙂
MMS/CDS As A Solution to Coronavirus
Jim Humble, the founder of MMS, is a retired NASA engineer who cured his entire crew of malaria deep in the jungles of South America on a gold mining expedition years ago. (See link below.) Very conservatively, 2 million people, mostly in third-world countries, have successfully used MMS. No one has ever died from using MMS. MMS (chlorine dioxide) is a strong contender for countering the coronavirus because it is known to clear up almost any human disease including malaria.
Google and other mainstream search engines censored MMS because MMS is molecularly similar to household bleach. The censoring seems to have been lifted though there is still a lot of misinformation about MMS (review the 268 comments). Alternative search engines include https://www.entireweb.com/ and https://duckduckgo.com/ for more thorough searches.
Chlorine dioxide is NaClO2 (1 sodium atom, 1 chlorine atom, and 2 oxygen atoms)
Household Bleach is NaClO (1 sodium atom, 1 chlorine atom, and 1 oxygen atom)
Detractors claim MMS (24 percent solution of chlorine dioxide in water) is the same as bleach.
Molecularly they are as different as night and day.
Short science explanation about Chlorine Dioxide. Viruses are referenced at 5:11 6 minute video
Very short video comment about Chlorine Dioxide being the greenest disinfectant for food processing.
14min testimonial video from a consortium of 4,000 third-world doctors who use Chlorine Dioxide to cure Covid. (Begins with a quick science lesson.)
To quote from Jim Humble’s latest book, MMS Health Recovery Guidebook (HRG)_edition-1_October-2016:
“..chlorine dioxide has been used extensively to purify water, to sanitize hospital floors, to disinfect slaughterhouses, and to purify vegetables, along with hundreds of other uses. More than any other single mineral/ chemical, chlorine dioxide through these and other means has improved the health and lives of hundreds of millions of people worldwide and still, no deaths or permanent injuries have been recorded caused by the use of chlorine dioxide in 100 years. This also includes the many millions of people who have taken MMS orally for the purpose of health restoration.”
MMS does not cure disease. MMS kills pathogens and destroys (oxidizes) poisons. When pathogens and poisons in the body are reduced or eliminated, then the body can function properly and thereby heal. MMS is documented as clearing up 154 cases of malaria in Uganda in 2012 in the early history of MMS. The International Red Cross was involved in this test and when the results came back successful, the Red Cross disavowed any knowledge or sponsorship. After all, it only costs $.15 plus the cost of the cup and water. On the other hand, two videos of the trials still exist though they have been seriously suppressed. You can judge for yourself. Check out Jim Humble’s video page. Also listed here and here. I am quite familiar with what I believe MMS can do. You can review my experience at www.COREresonance.com/mms-notes,
There is also an update from Jim Humble dated March 30, 2020, stating MMS conclusively kills the coronavirus though the page has been down based on an attack by the FDA and FTC. The update is printed below.
Recently the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing published this recommendation for coronavirus. I would recommend that you do your own research and make your own decisions. I personally like the stuff a lot. And, there are many who think MMS undermines the pharmaceutical status quo and are therefore opposed to it, calling it bleach, which is molecularly similar to but not the same. Jim Humble created a church to protect the product and its message.
You can make your own MMS. Link
On March 15, 2020, the coronavirus recommended dosage from the Genesis Church was:
Adults: 6 drops activated MMS in 4 ounces of water every two hours 5 times the first day.
Repeat 2nd day. If all symptoms are gone then continue with 3 drops an hour for 8 hours for another 3 days!
Small Children: same as above but with only 3 drops. And 1 drop instead of 3 drops for the 3 days after the first two days of strong dosing!
Jim Humbe’s Updated Recommendations Dated March 30, 2020:
Coronavirus Update (COVID-19) March 30, 2020
By Jim Humble
I first discovered that MMS (chlorine dioxide) can help people recover their health, 24 years ago. Since that time more than 2 million people have recovered their health from just about all known diseases, in a total of about 175 different countries. Many people are now using it around the world for a wide range of ailments/diseases in a variety of ways.
And now for some good news—two days ago we received word that 14 people who were confirmed cases of COVID-19 (in Europe), took MMS and have recovered their health. All of these tested positive and when re-tested after taking MMS, they came out negative for COVID-19. In addition, we have other testimonies coming in now from various parts of the world, of people with coronavirus who have taken MMS and have recovered. Apart from what has come in directly to me, we have seen other testimonials on web boards and in comment boxes on the internet of people who took MMS and recovered from the virus.
Those of us who have used chlorine dioxide (MMS) over the years certainly expected it to also work with this virus, but we wanted to be sure and now with this data, we are confident that the proper mixture of chlorine dioxide (MMS) has every hope of eradicating COVID-19.
The next question that I anticipate is on everyone’s mind is what did these people do for COVID-19? What protocol did they follow? In the reports we have received, people have done different things that have worked. My intent here is to hopefully bring some clarity to this subject.
MMS is an amazing substance. I have set out very specific guidelines in my latest book on how to use MMS, and I personally encourage people to follow those guidelines—but MMS is very forgiving, and though we set out specific protocols for various things, it is important to stay open. MMS is not always a one size fits all deal, nothing health-related really is. This is why I highly advocate the Three Golden Rules of MMS. Anyone who has ever heard from me personally knows that I am always pointing people to the Three Golden Rules of MMS, which essentially helps an individual determine the proper dose for them personally.
In brief, the Three Golden Rules of MMS are:
1. If you are getting better—do not change anything. Continue with what you are doing—keep doing the same dose.
2. If you are feeling worse—showing signs of nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting, reduce your MMS intake by 50%. Reduce, but don’t quit — keep up the hourly dosing.
3. If you are not getting better, neither getting worse—if there are no signs of improvement, do the next increase or go to the next protocol, increase your intake of MMS.
I have outlined these principles in this letter, because it’s very important to know this and because right now, even in the MMS community, there have been a variety of recommendations on how much MMS to take for coronavirus. Some suggested dosing a rather high dosing, other suggested dosing has been on the lower side, and some more in the middle. All of the various suggestions may be good and all of them may work, but possibly not for everyone. Remember, we are all bio-individual. Each person is different and what may be going on in one person’s body is different from the next person. There are so many variables that enter into the equation. With MMS, some may do better on a low and slow approach, even with coronavirus, and others may need higher dosing.
This is why you must pay close attention to what your body is telling you, and follow the Three Golden Rules of MMS so you can adjust the protocols according to what your own body is asking for, or requiring. So please remember this, I can’t say it enough. If you are taking a certain dosage of MMS and you start to feel worse, lower your dose. If you are taking a certain dosage and you don’t see any results, up your dosage some. Adjust the protocol to what works for you.
Having said this, we have seen over the years, that taking MMS in most any form brings good results in some way. As for my advice, this is what I would suggest for coronavirus:
(Please note, especially if you are new to MMS: Below I talk about 3-drop doses and 6-drop doses of MMS. All MMS doses are made by taking drops of sodium chlorite solution 22.4% in distilled water and mixing it with drops of a food-grade acid activator. Usually, 50% citric acid or 4% HCl (hydrochloric acid) are used and at these percentages you mix the drops, drop for drop. A 3-drop dose would mean taking a clean, dry glass and putting 3 drops of the sodium chlorite solution and 3 drops of the acid activator in the glass. Gently swirl the drops so they mix together and count 30 seconds. The mixture should turn an amber color. Then add 4 ounces of purified water and drink it down. All MMS doses are taken in 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120 ml) of water. When I say a 3-drop dose or a 6-drop dose, it goes without saying that means the drops are mixed as stated above and added to water. Never take MMS drops without adding water. For more details on mixing a dose of MMS and possibly using other acid activators, please refer to the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook for instructions.)
If you have COVID-19:
–Take Protocol 6 and 6 to start. This is one 6-drop dose of MMS, then one hour later take another 6-drop dose of MMS.
–After two 6-drop doses of MMS, go on hourly doses of 3 activated drops in 4 ounces of water hourly. BUT work up to the 3 drops per hour, start with 1 drop for a dose or two, then go up to 2 drops, then 3 drops—that is, if your body is tolerating it, if not, lower this dosing, but keep taking hourly doses for eight consecutive hours a day.
–I suggest that the hourly doses of MMS every day (for 8 consecutive hours) be kept up for a period of 3 weeks (21 days). Even if one feels completely recovered and shows no symptoms, it would be prudent to keep up the 3-week protocol. This is for the purpose to detox the body and therefore strengthen the immune system, as well as guard against relapse.
–After the 21 days is completed if all is well, I suggest going on a daily maintenance dose of MMS. This is one 6-drop dose of MMS daily and make it on-going.
–For children, follow the same instructions as above and cut the amounts in half.
If one does not have coronavirus but knows you have been directly exposed:
–In this case, it may be wise to do the Starting Procedure, followed by Protocol 1000–which is the 3-week protocol taking MMS for 8 consecutive hours every day. This is outlined in my book the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, available here: jhbooks.org
For everyone—if you have not been directly exposed:
–As per the news reports of how the virus is spreading, if you want to strengthen your immune system and take preventative measures, I would suggest taking a daily maintenance dose of MMS. This is one 6-drop dose of MMS daily, be sure to not take this while drinking coffee, tea, orange juice, milk, alcohol and things particularly high in antioxidants. This works well to take first thing in the morning, then wait an hour before drinking or eating anything else. (If too strong on the stomach first thing in the morning, take at another time during the day, but space it out from food and drink.) Another good time to take it is before bed-time.
There is a dosage chart in the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook for guidelines on how to adjust the maintenance dose for children, according to their weight.
Overall, the above suggestions are what I would do for Coronavirus. However, below is another suggestion based on a report that came in this week. It involves taking MMS more frequently. This is something that I have seen over the years—that is, that for some conditions, taking MMS more frequently as in every 10 or 15 minutes for a number of hours is often very effective. Depending on what the condition is, the dose would be fairly low, though sometimes it is needed to be a higher dose, again, depending on the condition. I have done this myself for various things, such as a strong attack of bronchial problems and extreme coughing and difficulty breathing, and the frequent dosing for a time brought quick results. So, I believe there is a time to keep MMS running through your system in shorter intervals of time than once every hour. In my personal experience, it was every 10 or 15 minutes. In the testimonial below it was given every 5 to 10 minutes but in smaller amounts, as the man was sipping the MMS, not taking a larger gulp or a full 4-ounce dose.
Here is the testimony of a man who was experiencing very serious symptoms of Coronavirus:
The man is 85 years old and was confirmed to have coronavirus. He was quarantined at home, all of his relatives at home were also infected, but the elderly man was in very serious condition and on oxygen—by far he was the worst off. He was given a 1-liter bottle of water which had 20 activated drops of MMS added to it. He was instructed to take a sip from the bottle every five minutes, but not to let it go past 10 minutes. So every 5 to 10 minutes the man took a sip (not a big gulp, just a sip) from the bottle—that’s all, but he did this faithfully, every 5 to 10 minutes throughout the day until the bottle was finished, just a sip each time. After three days he was noticeably improved and off of the oxygen, so his dose was reduced to 12 activated drops in the 1-liter bottle of water and he drank from it, just sipping it, every half hour. He is recovering quickly—90% improved, has just a slight remnant of cough occasionally. The rest of the family who also took MMS are now fully recovered.
I would suggest this is something one might try, especially if they have an extreme case of coronavirus—I think, however, I would alter it to 24 drops of activated MMS in the 1-liter bottle of water. For those of you who are familiar with Protocol 1000, please note that Protocol 1000 is essentially taking 24 drops of MMS a day. (This is eight hourly doses, of 3 drops of MMS each dose.) In the case above, the man was taking nearly the equivalent of Protocol 1000, but I believe taking it in sips and frequently, every 5 to 10 minutes, was obviously a key for him to keep the MMS running through his system at a certain pace. He had a more drastic case of the virus, showed more serious symptoms and it seems taking the MMS in a more constant manner helped him.
In general, I advocate taking fresh-made doses of MMS whenever possible. But this does not rule out across the board other possibilities, as in this case, a premade bottle, which worked for this man. There is a lot to be said for hydrating the body, and it is known that hydrating the body works best in frequent smaller sips of water, rather than chugging down your daily water quota in one fell swoop (or two). How much better to hydrate by sipping water more frequently throughout the day, and in the case of wanting to strengthen the immune system, with water that has MMS added.
In any case, this is an encouraging testimonial and definitely something to keep in mind if you or anyone you know has a severe case of the virus. Of course, if the same man would have followed the 6 and 6 Protocol, followed by hourly doses, the results likely would have been the same—though perhaps the sipping in smaller amounts was easier for him. Listen to your body and do as you feel led, if one thing is not bringing results move on to another. As for any other suggested protocols you may receive from the MMS community, again, go with what you think will work for you, but please, please, please pay close attention to the Three Golden Rules of MMS.
If it has been suggested that you use CDS, that’s Chlorine Dioxide Solution, it might be OK and so I would not say don’t try it. But know that CDS is a different form of MMS. We have seen that all forms of MMS help people recover their health, but I and others have concluded that in some cases those who take CDS can tend to come to a stalemate in their health recovery, and they have to either substantially increase the amount they are taking, or go to taking the original MMS1 fresh mixed drops. I would suggest using CDS only if you do not have MMS1 available. Please see the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, Appendix A, for more thorough details on the difference between CDS and MMS1.
Another point is that some people have asked if MMS2 is effective in eradicating coronavirus. To date, I have not received any reports of people using it with the virus, however, if you have MMS2 and do not have MMS1, it would certainly be worth a try using it, and in my opinion, it is highly likely to do the job. In this case, follow Protocol 4000, which is basically taking 5 capsules (either size 1 or size 0) of MMS2 a day. Take them two hours apart. Fill the capsules with a little MMS2 powder to start, then gradually increase the amount of powder until you reach full if using #1 size capsules, or until you reach ¾ full for #0 size capsules. When taking MMS2, remember the Three Golden Rules of MMS apply, increase or decrease the amount you are taking according to what your body is telling you.
Remember, there are many guidelines to take into account when taking MMS1 and MMS2. This newsletter is already long, so please see the full details on how to use MMS, how to mix up a dose, and do’s and don’ts in the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook. Also available is The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium which gives complete details for making your own MMS solution. Both books are available here: jhbooks.org
I hope this helps. Remember, keep doing the right thing and help one another.
To your good health, safety and well-being,
Jim Humble
This is my disclaimer as it seems everyone must have a disclaimer nowadays: I have given certain advice in the above email letter. It is the advice I would follow myself if I were in the same situation. However, I do not advise you or anyone, to follow my advice without getting advice from a professional. Each person must take responsibility for his own health. So, please do what you feel is best.
Where to get MMS
I was initially gifted a set of old bottles by a minister friend in Maui 10+ years ago. Several years later, I gave them a try and have since bought and used MMS several times for a month at a time. Note: You can make your own and of course the church encourages this practice. But if you want to buy MMS, I recommend https://newg2sacraments.org/. They are efficient, committed to providing a service and they are inexpensive. I believe they are out of Bradenton Florida. MMS is about $15 for a set of two 2oz bottles including shipping!
Note: The church was shut down by the FDA/FTC for claiming to cure Covid and no longer delivers MMS. The easiest alternative available now is to shop Amazon for “miracle mineral solution” or “chlorine dioxide” as a water disinfectant product. The proper product is two-part and includes Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) and a hydrochloric acid activator. I’ve used citric acid as the activator and believe hydrochloric acid produces a better tasting product. Either works. Biotraxx Classic Water Purification looks good. Oneness Chlorine Dioxide Kit looks good as well.
For additional information go to my MMS Journal.
I have been using MMS for three or four years with excellent results. I was recently introduced to CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) which is a variation on the simple use of MMS and an Activator (two bottles). I put this information up as I research for myself what might be the advantages of the CDS mixture vs the MMS mixture. Jim Humble recommends sticking with the standard MMS.
This is a series of articles I just alerted to by a new friend in Germany:
I’ve known of Dr. Kalcker for several years. He is a strong proponent of MMS and identifies the Chlorine Dioxide Solution formula..
I am still learning but feel the traditional MMS is sufficient. I intend to generate CDS through Dr. Kalcker’s protocols and see what I can learn. Jim Humble seems to think the original formula is the easiest and simplest of methods for ingesting chlorine dioxide.
How to make CD – MMS, with Andreas Kalcker #ENG Sync https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T29BDC2AJNw
Chlorine Dioxide for Corona Virus by Dr. Andreas Kalcker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUfDIj8UjfU
#DrAndreasKalcker #CD, MMS, #SodiumChlorite #Autism, #ALS, #Cancer, Healing Disease https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aUuXdlr5p0
Dr. Kalcker’s website: WHAT IS CDS OR CD? https://andreaskalcker.com/en/what-is-mms/
Dr. Kalcker’s website: Protocols https://andreaskalcker.com/en/protocolos/
Dr. Kalcker’s website: FAQ https://andreaskalcker.com/en/frequently-asked-questions-faq/
Dr. Kalcker’s website: Theraputic Evidence On A Foot Of A Patient https://andreaskalcker.com/en/working_mechanism/
Dr. Kalcker’s CDS Basic Home Study Course
And from Dr. Kalcker:
Ethical use of a nonpharmaceutical solution by doctors who wish to use alternative means of providing care to patients as referenced by Dr. Kalcker
The World Medical Association (WMA) has developed the Declaration of Helsinki as a statement of ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects, including research on identifiable human material and data.
The Declaration is intended to be read as a whole and each of its constituent paragraphs should be applied with consideration of all other relevant paragraphs.
2. Consistent with the mandate of the WMA, the Declaration is addressed primarily to physicians. The WMA encourages others who are involved in medical research involving human subjects to adopt these principles.
Unproven Interventions in Clinical Practice
37. In the treatment of an individual patient, where proven interventions do not exist or other known interventions have been ineffective, the physician, after seeking expert advice, with informed consent from the patient or a legally authorised representative, may use an unproven intervention if in the physician’s judgment it offers hope of saving life, re-establishing health or alleviating suffering. This intervention should subsequently be made the object of research, designed to evaluate its safety and efficacy. In all cases, new information must be recorded and, where appropriate, made publicly available.
Clearly, CDS is to be researched by individuals considering using MMS or CDS.
And of course, many think the Covid pandemic is ultimately associated with a mandatory vaccination plan (to protect the economy) and I’ve found quite the American hero in Robert F. Kennedy Jr. You can learn more here
Wishing you well.
Using MMS/CDS is your responsibility and yours alone.
I simply publish my experiences.
Basic Home Study Course – CDS / Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) By Dr. Andreas Kalcker
Here we present the first course of our online training, it is an introductory course, a basic level, which we have made as simple as possible so that everyone can learn the basics of :
Basic Course ClO2 #ENGLISH
– How does it work?
– History of its discovery.
– Basic concepts about oxidation and pH (and how they are used in the body).
– Differences between different substances: CD, MMS, CDS and chlorine dioxide itself.
– The necessary precautions to handle the substances safely.
– Toxicity.
– How to make CD and MMS?
– How to make CDS?
– The most used specific protocols, explained one by one.
– And the annexes, in which we will find curiosities, scientific documentation, laboratory data, testimonies and specific cases of the use of these substances in different diseases.
Ivermectin – Modern Wonder Drug!
Ivermectin is a very interesting re-purposed pharmaceutical that is now available by prescription to counter Covid 19. It was originally developed by the Japanese in 1975 as a remedy for parasites (human and animal) and had been safely used 3.75 billion times. Ivermectin is now approved for Covid 19 by the National Science Foundation in January of 2021 per a presentation by Dr. Pierre Cory to a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs—which held a hearing on “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution” on Dec 08, 2020, only several short months ago. Ivermectin drastically inhibits the replication of the Coronavirus and has minimal side effects.
You can learn more at Front Line Covid -19 Critical Care Alliance.
B Ivermectin has been seriously supressed to enable Emergency Use Autorization of the Covid v*accine. You can learn more here.
Important: Join the 45 min Zoom weekly update hosted by Dr. Pierre Kory every Wed at 4pm Pacific. Register for access here
PS I had no trouble getting a prophylactic prescription in Arizona and picking up my Ivermectin at a Walmart Pharmacy!
Dr. Pierre Kory introducing Ivermectin to a Senate Committee and the National Health Foundation on Dec 08, 2020.
How actor Louis Gossett, Jr. survived COVID-19 (Feb 5, 2021)
Academy Award-winning actor Louis Gossett, Jr. tells his personal story of surviving COVID-19 after learning about a remarkably effective re-purposed medicine at flccc.net.
“Thank you for helping save my Dad’s Life.” (Feb 20, 2021)
Emergency Trial Proposal for Ivermectin in Belgium
Excerpt from Dr. Marc Wathelet recommendation to Belgium’s Prime Minister, Minister of Public Health, and advisers,
I belong to a group of scientists and medical doctors with more than 7,000 members around the world simply asking health authorities in every country to review the existing data indicating that Ivermectin is efficient both as a prophylactic, to prevent transmission of the virus, and as a treatment for COVID-19 patients.
I propose a straightforward plan that would eradicate the new coronavirus from Belgium in less than six weeks, which would be enormously beneficial at all levels: sanitary, economic, social, psychological and political! We could resume all economic activities and schools within three weeks, masking would become unnecessary in most contexts by the sixth week.
For More Information
You can learn more at:
Front Line Covid -19 Critical Care Alliance
Dr. Mark Sircus
I have been reading Dr. Mark Sircus since 2019. I own half a dozen of his ebooks and believe between Dr. Mark Sircus (he lives in Brazil) and Dr. Steven Gundry are all we need for maintaining and improving our health. I have had excellent results getting off all grains, the primary source of lectins and leaky gut, to name a few symptoms relieved per Gundry.
As an aside, Dr. Steven Gundry, a top heart transplant surgeon studied the immune system to enhance the success of organ transplants. But he left medicine when he discovered he could accomplish the same goals by teaching people how to eat to enhance the immune system to avoiding disease and shortened life. His primary books are The Plant Paradox and The Longevity Paradox, both a wealth of health and healing information. PS Start with The Longevity Paradox and at least one recipe book. Just because it is a plant and it is living, doesn’t mean it is good to eat!
About Dr Sircus
Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) (acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine) is a prolific writer and author of some astounding medical and health-related books. Dr. Sircus’s methods are based on medical science and long years of clinical experience, not only his own but experiences of doctors from around the world who have been practicing brilliant medicine.
Dr. Mark Sircus is an advocate of what works in the emergency room to stabilize patients should be used on a daily basis to manage our bodies and our lives. He says:
Humans are more like plants than any doctor wants to admit. We too need light, water, oxygen, CO2 and minerals. Minerals are the building blocks of our bodies. They are required for body structure, fluid balance, protein structures and to produce hormones. They are a key for the health of everybody system and function. They act as co-factors, catalysts and are needed all enzymes in the body.
He goes on to say:
It is a good time to stock up heavily on life’s basic substances. It’s time to get that inexpensive 50-pound bag of baking soda, a few gallons of high-grade magnesium oil, and some quarts of iodine. Though I still use Nascent iodine for my family, it’s too expensive to give away or even find in most third-world countries. So I buy large bottles of Lugol’s and give out small but sufficient quantities to many people.
And he says:
Baking Soda is the Most Necessary Effective Medicine on Earth. In terms of importance, appropriate bicarbonate levels are just as crucial as hydration, proper breathing (getting enough oxygen) staying warm, maintaining healthy pH (high oxygen status) and optimal nutrition.
You can find Safest Inexpensive Medicines for the World, an article by Dr. Mark Sircus here
Dr. Mark Sircus is a very powerful advocate for moving away from allopathic medicine and getting back to basics. He has published so very many articles and recently introduced Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) as a solution for Covid-19.
He says:
One does not have to be an anti-vaxxer to see and understand that COVID vaccines are not needed. They are not required legally or for any medical or public health reason to treat or prevent COVID-19. There is a broad range of both natural and pharmaceutical treatments widely available, many already proven to be very useful.
Now comes some excellent news for the human race. There is an official study in Acre, Brazil that has doctors amazed at how fast COVID infected patients got better after nebulizing with 3 grams of sodium bicarbonate (widely available baking soda) in 100 ml of water administered in a nebulizer.
However, the bad news is that there are powerful forces, which we will discuss below, that hate good news and will do everything in their power to censor useful medical information.
He goes on to state:
Coronavirus infectivity is actually exquisitely sensitive to pH. The MHV-A59 strain of coronavirus is quite stable at pH 6.0 (acidic) but becomes rapidly and irreversibly inactivated by brief treatment at pH 8.0 (alkaline). Human coronavirus strain 229E is maximally infective at pH 6.0. Infection of cells by coronavirus A59 at pH 6.0 (acidic) rather than pH 7.0 (neutral) yields a tenfold increase in the infectivity of the virus.
In other words, when we are acidic, i.e., our pH is down, coronavirus has a perfect foundation for growth. As we become more alkaline, the virus no longer has a base to replicate.
The new bicarbonate research adds to the lengthening list of treatments. And it is no surprise to anyone who knows how and why bicarbonates work. Doctors and health care officials should, but do not know or even want to know, that viral infections are unanimously sensitive to pH changes. The simple alkalinization of the blood reduces the cells’ susceptibility to viruses. Meaning bicarbonates can be taken orally as a preventative, and as we find out below, can be nebulized and even pumped into the lungs in ICU patients when their lungs are impaired.
found at:
Bicarbonate Proves to be Cheapest Fastest Safest COVID Treatment
Published on February 22, 2021
Viruses are pH Sensitive
Published on March 4, 2020
Safest Inexpensive Medicines for the World
Published on September 16, 2019
Magnesium Administration for Corona Infections
Published on June 25, 2020
Dr Sircus Protocol: Treatments and Products
Studies, testimonials, side effects & uses of sodium bicarbonate
Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) commonly called baking soda is a natural substance used in the human body within the bloodstream to regulate pH as a counterbalance to acid build up, which is critical to life. It affects the pH of cells and tissues, balances cell voltage, and increases CO2 which helps with oxygenation. Sodium Bicarbonate is a powerful medical tool that everyone would benefit by knowing more about.
Nebulized Peroxide — My Favorite Treatment Choice
— Dr. Joseph Mercola
I have known of Dr. Joseph Mercola for maybe 30 years. He had the largest wellness site on the Internet until he was attacked for his alternative medicine views. I have the highest regard for his knowledge and expertise. He was an early advocate of limiting lectins and managing leaky gut which has now become popular via Dr. Steven Gundry, etc.
My personal choice for the treatment of COVID-19 symptoms is nebulized peroxide. It’s a home remedy I recommend everyone familiarize themselves with, as in many cases it can improve symptoms in mere hours. You can also use it as a preventive strategy if you know you’ve been exposed to someone who is ill.
Nebulizing hydrogen peroxide into your sinuses, throat, and lungs is a simple, straightforward way to augment your body’s natural expression of hydrogen peroxide to combat infections and can be used both prophylactically after known exposure to COVID-19 and as a treatment for mild, moderate, and even severe illness.
Dr. David Brownstein, who has successfully treated over 100 COVID-19 patients with nebulized peroxide, published a case paper18 about this treatment in the July 2020 issue of Science, Public Health Policy and The Law. He also reviews its benefits in “How Nebulized Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections.”
Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is extremely safe, and all you need is a desktop nebulizer and food-grade hydrogen peroxide, which you’ll need to dilute with saline to 0.1% strength. I recommend buying these items beforehand so that you have everything you need and can begin treatment at home at the first signs of a respiratory infection.
In the video above, I go over the basics of this treatment. Be sure to buy a nebulizer that plugs into an electrical outlet, as battery-driven ones are too low-powered to be truly effective. Also make sure your nebulizer comes with a face mask, not just a mouthpiece. If it doesn’t come with a face mask, you can pick one up separately. Just search Amazon for “nebulizer face mask for adults.”
More Information
Hopefully, we’ve provided enough information to make you reconsider the COVID-19 gene therapy “vaccine.” At bare minimum, do more research before you make your decision. The simple truth is you don’t need it, so it’s an unnecessary risk.
To learn more, be sure to preorder a copy of “Ending Plague: A Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption.” We’re in a crisis in far more ways than one, and getting educated — and then educating others — is absolutely crucial. The lives of millions of people are at stake. So please, take the time to digest this information, understand it, and share it with those you love.
Additional Information
Dr. David Brownstein – How Nebulized Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections
Nebulizing hydrogen peroxide with iodine is a simple, straightforward way to augment your body’s natural expression of hydrogen peroxide to combat infection.
David Brownstein – Nebulized Peroxide – A Simple Remedy for COVID-19
Nebulized hydrogen peroxide improves symptoms of COVID-19 by killing viruses, improving oxygenation and optimizing the redox pathway.
How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions
MMS Journal and Notes
Using MMS/CDS is your responsibility and yours alone.
I simply publish my experiences.
I most recently used MMS in December of 2019 as below though I think I did an additional series of dosages of MMS that are not documented. The oldest is first and the most recent is down the page. If you came directly to this page, the “parent page” is Longevity, High Hopes and Immortality (Some day). You can find the excerpted remarks from this article at the bottom of this page
Let me know what you think!
MMS Journal February 2017
After all, this was only an experiment
I had been reading about MMS for quite a while before finally giving it a go.. I didn’t have a health crisis beyond the traditional stuff everybody has including a bit of aging finally at the age of 65. I tried a single drop on a Thursday and did another drop that same day.. Hmmm.. not so bad. Friday I did a drop two hours in a row.
That next Monday I began to use one drop about six hours in a row—without missing an hour.* Initially, my head was a bit abuzz as I could feel the MMS in my system, and it seemed to reduce my thinking and capacity at my desk by about 10 percent—nothing I couldn’t work through. I continued by adding an hour earlier to my schedule and an hour later to my schedule until I was doing one drop 8 hours consecutively. I did not do week-ends and I was still cocktailing and not watching what I ate.. After all, this was only an experiment. But I went for about four weeks.
I noticed something quite significant beside my eyes clearing up and the shadows in my face clearing up.. I had a very distinct sense of well-being and according to my “new” girlfriend, my whole countenance lightened up! She could see it. And I was astounded by what I experienced because it seems MMS truly is a “sacrament.” By reducing the pathogen load on the body (I assume), as the body calms down, a sense of well-being, integration and peace becomes available. I felt more integrated in my body. I felt more whole! An interesting feeling!
I offer consulting and coaching around personal sovereignty, i.e. I teach empowerment at a fundamental level and I use coaching and neurofeedback to rapidly advance individuals who wish to advance personally for personal performance and/ or spiritually for that ultimate sense of personal power and connection. I am a long time meditator, I’ve written several books, I do a lot of research. And I am impressed.
My work says that humans are all on vast overload attempting to process the world with our lowly brains that are not anywhere near as fancy as we think they are.. And, as we can reduce the load on the brain/ nervous system (toxins, low grade diseases, etc.) the more the brain frees up. As the brain frees up, the less we are reactive, less resistant and more open to flow (which is actually how the world works :). I feel like I experienced this with my 30-day MMS experience!
I am getting ready to start another month and bump to two drops.. maybe take a month off and then continue with three drops and more.. Maybe it is better to not stop.. Still learning.
I am looking for faster methods of advancing consciousness and I believe MMS is very effective at reducing the pathogen load on the brain and system such that “we” get a break and begin to relax a bit.. As we move out of resistance and reaction, the world opens up to us. And then it gets better than that!
I think it is fair to call MMS a Sacrament
PS The Genesis Church and Jim Humble call it a Sacrament and I think they are on to something.
Jim Hamilton
310 878-2268
Beyond resistance lies a world of synchronicity, harmony and order
Said another way, resistance brings us everything we do not want
–J.Hamilton nosce te ipsum
tat sannidhau vairatyagah
* I set an alarm on my computer/phone for every hour I wish to take MMS and how many days I wish to do concurrently. I then set a snooze alarm for 5min. Every hour the alarm goes off, whether I am on the phone or whatever, I make my mix and about 30 seconds later I add my 6 oz of water. The snooze alarm reminds me if I forget to mix or forget to drink the mix. I will admit I drink more water this way as well.
The MMS was originally a gift from a friend in Maui. The MMS was several years old at the time and the activator was Citric Acid. In April 2018, I bought new set of bottles from the church here. (After clicking the Genesis Church Providers Button, I choose the first provider out of Bradenton Florida (#1 Genesis2Church Provider). They now use a different activator and I feel the experience was milder.. but of course, I had already done it once. I intend to do this on 6 month intervals, or more often as I continue to experience what this is all about..
While you should thoroughly study the Genesis Church website, if you want to begin now, begin here (book recommendation) and here with the protocol videos.
Good luck!
MMS Journal April 2018
Second Experience with MMS
I began on Monday April 16, 2018 trying a single drop of the new set of bottles and formula. I may have done it two times to start. Noticed the slightest fog in my brain after first dose but nothing else. The second day, I started taking one drop doses but did so inconsistently as a settled into a pattern.
I began in earnest on Wed and did approximately 8 doses (8am to 4pm) and felt fine. Maybe I noticed a sense of the MMS in my system but basically very smooth experience with no difficulty (at all). I considered moving to two drops per dose but decided to move up slowly. Note: I am fasting but don’t quite remember when I started the fast.
Note: I have the new MMS with hydrochloric acid activator (instead of citric acid activator) and feel the product is not as intense or not as heavy duty as the earlier dosages. They say the citrus activator was not the best and now they use 4 percent hydrochloric acid as the activator. I am having a milder “taste” experience.
Thursday I did probably 9 doses of one drop. Nothing particular to report other than starting to feel more clear and more solid in my body
Friday morning prior to my first dose at 8am:
I feel particularly clear (especially after last night’s bolognaise, salad, wine and weed). My mind seems very clear and my sight as well. Also, I have no pain in my body; I think my thumbs (arthritis type pain) may be less. I am rebounding now (as much as twice a day for at least ten min) and moved a bunch of heavy boxes (engineered wood flooring) and have no after-effects from the lifting – nothing at all.
I have been treating a wart with apple cider vinegar and reduced it to minimal.. but it is still there. It seems to be diminishing on two full days of MMS
My leg (a bit of edema) is starting to get better and while we are doing quite a few things, I think the MMS is the overriding factor for improvement.
I will continue on one drop for today and see how it goes. Very pleased about getting started. Alexis is taking a drink from my half-glass dosage every hour but has done only several.. but getting started.
Saturday April 21, 2018
I am feeling better and more clear. I am feeling happy inside. Alexis is moving from “I can’t” to “I can” in part thanks to Dr Rev Dave. I am feeling more love and appreciation.. Feeling happy! This morning when I peed, no sense of prostate limitations. Sometimes when I pee first thing in the morning, I sense a bit of restriction but I don’t have the classic symptom of not emptying my bladder; just sometimes a sense of slight restriction (from clenching when I have to go but I am still in bed.)
Saturday at 8am I began two drops. Alexis is taking a drink of my dose each day, not every hour but moving toward being consistent. She will continue as I bump to two drops an hour. I am working toward 3 drops per hour but no hurry to get to 3 drops
Thursday April 26, 2018
Still having problems with my leg but feel it is getting better. I am fasting and decided to bump to three drops (today). I am concerned about the fast and not being strong enough (for both) with the upped dose to 3 drops.. Three drops is fine and generally feels good. Big erection this morning.. Haven’t seen one in the morning in a while.. Very impressed with Bishop Mark at Genesis explaining it takes about a week for MMS to work its way to the problem.. MMS cleans as it goes and takes a bit of time to address what you wish to work on because it cleans what it finds as it works to the destination..
I stopped taking notes because I forgot about them 🙂
June 11, 2018.. just to update the above. I stopped using MMS on May 17, 2018, the same day we drove to Scottsdale to see Dr. Bartels. Dr. Bartels is a top-notch hormone replacement doctor in Scottsdale. Part of our meeting was to ascertain the latest on my testosterone replacement therapy for which we decided to discontinue because my numbers weren’t going up—at all. This began in Jan of 2017 with initial blood tests and a baseline, and then I starting testosterone replacement therapy in April or so.
But what was so interesting about the May 17th meeting was that my erections which had been falling off for about the last two years were almost entirely intact, i.e., even though the hormone replacement therapy was showing nothing. I believe my erections are a tentative measure of my overall vitality which I believe to be very high. I told him that I was at about 90 percent of normal and that I absolutely attributed it to MMS. Reproductive health is a hugh measure of overall health according to a friend and New Zealand organic dairy farmer from years ago 🙂
My most recent blood test for the May 17th Dr. meeting showed very good prostate health which I assumed to be part of the MMS use though there was no serious issues ever indicated. I am requesting a copy of all of my blood tests to see what the prostate numbers have been since Jan 2017. I definitely think my prostate is better.
I stopped on May 17th because I was feeling like I had taken enough MMS. It felt like the taste in the water was starting to be a match for how much I had in my system. I felt like I was saturated for the time being.
I intend to begin again in the very near future.. And, I have a target to eradicate Epstein-Barr virus and anything like that. Please reference Medical Medium, Anthony William, etc.
MMS Journal December 18, 2019
Third Experience with MMS
I have been feeling in overload for awhile. I have circles under my eyes and I am tired 🙂 Came back from Mexico with tourista but actually picked it up in the airport on our way out of the country. I believe it was a food handling issue rather than typical tourista. I have also been dealing with a lot of emotional stress that’s hit me really hard.
First thing I need to do this time around is ascertain the right dosage. I went to this video and while Mark talks around the subject, clearly it is one drop of MMS and one drop of Activator. I will start with one drop and maybe for the first day, do it three or four times.. But I am familiar with it, etc.. Reference Genesis Church videos
I will let you know as I discover “what’s what” this time around. PS I have had great experiences with MMS. It is too bad there is so much bad press/ hysteria from the press… but seems that’s what they do.. cater to emotion and cheap sensationalism.. By the way, while I have been a fan of Google, I’ve found Google suppresses any mention of MMS. Really disappointing. You have to go to an alternative search engine to learn about MMS. Try www.entireweb.com or www.duckduckgo.com for better information..
Useful Note: Squeeze the bottle while upright to push some air out of the bottle before you turn the bottle to squeeze the drop into the glass. You don’t want to squeeze more than one drop of either the MMS or Activator, so if you squeeze the bottle first, deliver your drop and when you release your “squeeze” the vacuum in the bottle sucks the likelihood of an extra drop accidently getting into the glass.. Hope that makes sense 🙂
December 19, 2019
In review of yesterday, I believe I had a massive shift in clarity and sense of self in one day! I did not start slowly but instead did probably seven sessions of one drop each! Several times I felt a tiny bit weezy but it was gone in ten minutes and didn’t interfere with my thought processes. I started at 9:30, next was at 11am to move to top of the hour, I then did noon and missed 1pm but did 2pm – 5pm. By that evening, I was feeling clear, my eyes felt clear and I felt I had a load off! I woke up in the middle of the night and felt “clear.” Needless to say, this is an excellent start to what I believe will be a re-enactment of past experiences except I am moving much faster. It is 9am and I have done MMS twice. I do feel it in my brain just a bit but feel clear.
Be forewarned.. do not start as I have done. Start much slower unless you know what you are doing. PS Inflammation had really flared up in the last number of months. I am a bit early to suggest there has been a reduction but I think this is the case even at this early juncture. It feels like I have more processing power. Also, my eyesight is far more clear!
Useful Note: I added alarms to my Android phone that go off each hour with a one minute snooze. I set my alarms for each hour beginning at 8am through 6pm seven days a week though I might nor might not do seven days in a row. I also added another alarm at 8:02, 9:02, etc.. to make sure I start and finish making my mix. Sometimes, I start the mix and forget to finish it. It is very easy to make the drops and while busy at my desk, forget to add the water or forget to drink the MMS water.. So make sure you snooze your alarms until you finish your drops. I use the same glass (and a towel to make sure the glass is dry) and drink about 12 oz of water each time :).
December 20, 2019
I feel like I am sleeping better. But most importantly, I feel clear or clearer. I am coming off carrying a huge unexpected load and I have overloaded my system every way possible. I feel like my eyesight is clear and my mind is clear.. My eyes are still tired but I think I am coming back. I do have a bit of a buzz in my brain after a dose but I am on my third day and hitting it hard.. i.e., one drop an hour.. Yesterday, I did possibly 9 drops. I did not miss a dose. I have had very good experiences with this in the past and expect to go for 30 days.. We will see 🙂
December 21, 2019
I am sleeping better (going back to sleep if I wake up in the middle of the night) and notice almost no inflammation pain in the middle of the night. I ate a big dinner last night at a fancy Italian restaurant. Dinner included pasta, beer and ice cream. I realized afterward I needed to pay more attention to what I was doing with my MMS protocols.. While I feel completely fine, I wonder if I started a bit strong with seven drops the first day and 9 the 2nd day.. On the 20th I missed several sessions and stopped early because of appointments and an early dinner reservation.
I think I will do a few less hourly sessions and more importantly, drink more water throughout the day. I assume a flushing action is quite important and while I am drinking 10-12oz each hour, I wonder if I might drink more water.. Anthony William says to start off morning with lots of water to flush organs, etc.. So, I will back off just a bit.. After all, I am going for 30 day cleanse.. I have had no negative backlash from what I have done but want to make sure I am drinking plenty of water and flushing my system properly. Maybe I am, and maybe I am not. 🙂 I will also add rebounding to the mix.
December 27, 2019
I’ve taken a few days off/reduced my usage during Christmas as I give my body a bit of a break. I started off pretty heavy (one drop 8hrs a day for a while) and I am working my way back to a steady single drop dosage.. I do feel more clear and though I cannot find a better word than booger, my nose is clear of morning dried mucus which is big for me. Sometimes, I used to have to get up in the middle of the night to blow my nose, partly because the furnace runs (very dry air) but also to help me sleep better with my mouth closed..
I now wake up with a clear sinus.. I find that very interesting. My memory/ recall seems better but I tend to associate that with CORE Resonance of which I am doing quite a bit.. I am going to start back up after hitting it hard to knock down a first line of pathogens and let that flush and maybe on Monday move to two drops.. I will also research making sure two drops is a good idea.. Review here or here or here or here
I also have a type of skin cancer on my collar bone (quarter size) that has been biopsied.. It has to be removed and I started out with a prescription drug but I don’t like it so I stopped after a few days. I think it is overloaded my liver, etc. The other option is to cut it out/ scrape it off and I have an appt on Jan 13. I noticed this evening though, that about half of it has faded out! For me, I think hitting it hard with drops and then backing off and then hitting it harder as the body flushes the last bout of MMS might have merit. I will be watching my skin at my collar bone. Thanks for reading.. and I hope to be of help to those with interest. PS Search engine that helps find MMS info
January 07, 2020
Gee, it’s been a long time since I updated my MMS experience.. I have been chugging along on two drops an hour and don’t seem to have documented when I started back up unless I started 2 drops on Dec 30 per the above notes. I suspect I did start two drops then.. The holidays were a bit topsy-turvy with the regularity of drops but for example, yesterday I did two drops per hour until about 5pm or 6pm my last dose. Same for earlier days but as I got closer to the 1st of Jan I was probably a bit more off my target.
What I notice (and I am under a great deal of stress per relationship difficulties) is my sinuses are clear. I used to wake up or even have to blow my nose in the middle of the night because of “dried mucus” in my nose but that is almost completely non-existent. And, the furnace runs this time of year so the air is quite dry. As I inhale through my nose, my breathing passages are quite clear! Also, and what finally caused me to catch up on my notes, is the left side of my face has some “bumps” that are diminishing. Cosmetic little bumps are fading.. I noticed last time I did MMS the right side of my face seems to clear up and has always been a bit clearer than the left side. I am not talking about red spots or pimples but more like almost scar tissue or skin distortions just under the skin.. Maybe they are places where toxins attempt to leave the skin and get caught up and surrounded by some other skin layers.. They are not bad but not a clear complexion.. and they are fading.
I also noticed my poop has changed colors to a lighter brown. I am still eating BBQ a bit and high quality burgers a bit but I am also doing Anthony William’ celery juice in the morning.. Overall, I think my body is cleanings and while I might be drinking more water to flush, I am drinking about 12oz each time I do MMS. My partner thought I said my poop was yellow and that’s bad but it’s not yellow. It looks more like my body is cleansing and producing a better stool.
Overall, I feel great other than the amount of times I have to do the drops and the number of times I have to pee during the day!
One more remark. I have considered substituting bleach for MMS drops just to see what the difference is. Clearly Chlorine Dioxide and bleach are far different.. And, it is not very appealing but I may try it some day.. It is disappointing for the press and public opinion to go on about MMS being bleach but that’s how the world works/ doesn’t work. Please reference from Jim Humble’s book:
Chlorine Dioxide is NaClO2 (1 sodium atom, 1 chlorine atom and 2 oxygen atoms).
Bleach is NaClO (1 sodium atom, 1 chlorine atom and 1 oxygen atom)
Detractors claim MMS (24 percent solution of Chlorine Dioxide in water) is the same as bleach.
Molecularly they are as different as night and day.
Thanks for your interest!
Excerpted from:
Longevity, High Hopes and Immortality (Some day)
MMS and Jim Humble
Another interesting insight revolves around another mechanism by which we can curtail disease and encourage healthy flora and fauna (healthy bugs) in our bodies is by a product called MMS. And while MMS has been pooh-poohed by the naysayers and the “establishment,” approximately 20 million people in third world countries will say differently. Developed by a retired NASA engineer mining gold in the bowels of South America, his entire crew came down with malaria with no access to outside help. With no other choice, they became guinea pigs and used water purification tablets they had access to and cured themselves!
Jim Humble then went on to research how they recovered from malaria, a disease caused by a mosquito bite that delivers high fever, chills, and flulike symptoms that can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. Jim Humble discovered the main ingredient in the water purification tablets they used is Chlorine Dioxide. Chlorine Dioxide is made from normal table salt with oxygen atoms added to create NaClO2 (1 sodium atom, 1 chlorine atom and 2 oxygen atoms). Detractors claim MMS (24 percent solution of Chlorine Dioxide in water) is the same as bleach NaClO, (1 sodium atom, 1 chlorine atom and 1 oxygen atom) but molecularly they are as different as night and day.
To quote from Jim Humble’s latest book, MMS Health Recovery Guidebook (HRG)_edition-1_October-2016:
“..chlorine dioxide has been used extensively to purify water, to sanitize hospital floors, to disinfect slaughter houses, and to purify vegetables, along with hundreds of other uses. More than any other single mineral/chemical, chlorine dioxide through these and other means has improved the health and lives of hundreds of millions of people worldwide and still no deaths or permanent injuries have been recorded caused by the use of chlorine dioxide in 100 years. This also includes the many millions of people who have taken MMS orally for the purpose of health restoration.”
Jim Humble’s findings have not found ready acceptance by the medical establishment or the FDA to name a few. It seems that upsetting the apple cart is first ridiculed, then violently opposed, and finally accepted as being self-evident” (credit Arthur Schopenhauer). Jim Humble had to create a church environment to protect his work which actually is where his work should be cataloged anyway. After all, the concept of the church is to minister to the needs of human beings. Corporations/artificial entities do not seem to understand the importance of the needs of human beings, instead being literally motivated by profit.
What I have discovered after using MMS several times for one month each time is a distinct sense of well being and arising happiness. My girlfriend states that the aging around my face diminishes and that I look younger. I kept a journal of my experiences and would be happy to share them [link]. Otherwise, you can peruse www.Genesis2church.is and www.g2cforum.org for additional information. I’ve ordered from this church twice in Bradenton, Florida with quick shipping, proper pricing, etc. I’ve recently discovered an excellent a one-hour documentary here or here. I particularly recommend Jim Humble’s latest book MMS Health Recovery Guidebook.
It is my belief that MMS dramatically reduces the “pathogen load” on the body and similar to computer resources becoming available, our life force lifts up!
As we move farther into the 21st century, the differences between what we have been doing and what we should be doing becomes increasingly apparent. Clearly the food industry is producing more and more dead and junk foods; the pharmaceutical industry is beyond imaginable, and the toxins and poisons in our system are beyond measure because we don’t yet take them seriously. For some reason, humanity is not solving its problems as a species. Mostly, we are growing at an ever-increasing rate driven by corporate leadership which is driven by profits. We are destroying what little we have left from the inside out as well as the outside in.
As an aside, corporations have no nervous system and thus are incapable of knowing the difference between right and wrong in the first place!
Reference the entire article here
Proof that the FDA and other agencies do NOT consider chlorine dioxide poisonous
- Controlled Clinical Evaluations of Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Man. This is a report of a test where people were given Chlorine dioxide for months with no bad effects. By Judith R. Lubbers,*Sudha Chauan,*and Joseph R. Bianchine
“In several cases, statistically significant trends in certain biochemical or physiological parameters were associated with treatment; however, NONE of these trends was judged to have physiological consequence. One cannot rule out the possibility that, over a longer treatment period, these trends might indeed achieve proportions of clinical importance. However, by the absence of detrimental physiological responses within the limits of the study, the relative safety of oral ingestion of chlorine dioxide and its metabolites, chlorite and chlorate, was demonstrated. “https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
- Obviously, if the FDA approves of the use of chlorine dioxide on food, it does not consider chlorine dioxide to be poisonous. See below: Ref. (1), and (2)
(1) 21 C.F.R. § 173.300 Chlorine dioxide.
Title 21 – Food and Drugs – I have quoted the FDA regulation here in a few sentences, but if you want to read more, just put the 21 C.F.R. and numbers in the search engine, Google or others, and you can read it all. Keep in mind that Acidified Sodium chlorite produces chlorine dioxide.
Title 21: Food and Drugs
• Subpart D—Specific Usage Additives
• Browse Next
(2) 21 .C.F.R § 173.300 Chlorine dioxide.
Chlorine dioxide (CAS Reg. No. 10049–04–4) may be safely used in food in accordance with the following prescribed conditions:
21 C.F.R. 173.325 Acidified sodium chlorite solutions.
Subpart D: Specific Usage Additives
173.325 – Acidified sodium chlorite solutions.
Acidified sodium chlorite solutions may be safely used in accordance with the following prescribed conditions: READ MORE BY GOING TO THE INTERNET AND PUTTING THE C.F.R. § 73.300 NUMBER INTO GOOGLE.
- http://www.clordisys.com/
WhatIsCD.pdf – What is Chlorine Dioxide? Where is it used? How does it work? This is a write up by a company that has been using chlorine dioxide for more than 20 years. It gives details about chlorine dioxide. (backup mirror) - http://www.lenntech.com/
processes/disinfection/ chemical/disinfectants- chlorine-dioxide.htm# ixzz0wGZVWFWL – Lenntech is one of the largest industrial companies specializing in chlorine dioxide technology of all kinds. Please use this article to learn the data of why chlorine dioxide is selective for certain microorganism and not others. (backup mirror) - http://www.cdgenvironmental.
com/content/chemistry – This is an article explaining chlorine dioxide and the selective ability of chlorine dioxide to select certain organisms over others. CDG Environmental is one of the largest users and sellers of chlorine dioxide. (backup mirror) - https://patents.google.com/
patent/WO2016074203A1/en – Patent for Chlorine Dioxide: Cell apoptosis inducer containing chlorine dioxide and use thereof in preparing cosmetics or anti-aging or antineoplastic drugs - From Food Safety Magazine – 10 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Chlorine Dioxide: https://www.
foodsafetymagazine.com/ 2005/food-magazine-archive1/ februarymarch- safety-insider-sanitation- solutions/10-reasons-why-you- should-be-using-chlorine- dioxide/
Chlorine dioxide is one powerhouse sanitizer that is getting more attention recently as food processors look for more efficacious products to help them win the sanitation battle. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it is as powerful as peracetic acid and more economical, yet it has far less of an impact on the environment than quaternary ammonium salts, chlorine or bromine, making it an excellent choice for food processing plants. It costs about the same to use as other sanitizers but is more versatile and less harmful. It’s also been shown to destroy and prevent biofilms, one of the biggest challenges to food processors in destroying harmful bacteria. It also does not have the strong odor or corrosive qualities associated with chlorine.
It is a versatile alternative that can be used in many sanitation applications, including pasteurization equipment, heat exchangers, cooling towers, hard surface disinfecting, potable water treatment and deodorizing stacks in rendering plants. It is already growing in popularity as a tool to control microbiological growth in the dairy industry, the beverage industry, the fruit and vegetable processing industries, canning plants, and in poultry and beef facilities.
“Everybody in the food processing industry is looking for better cleaning and sanitation processes,” says Fred Holzhauer, Director of Business Development with Birko Corp., a leading specialty chemical manufacturer that provides a product line of more than 200 cleaning and sanitizing chemicals and application equipment to the meat, poultry, microbrewery and food industries (www.birkocorp.com).
“Chlorine dioxide eliminates sources and transfers of harmful pathogens in the food plant and attacks biofilms that form on equipment and other food-contact surfaces—all while doing less harm to the environment than other choices that do not have comparable strength.” Chlorine dioxide is the answer, says Holzhauer. Here are 10 reasons why:
1. Chlorine dioxide has 2.6 times the oxidizing power of waterborne chlorine (from bleach), giving it a wide spectrum of sanitizing uses and making it extraordinarily effective against a host of bugs. Studies have shown that it produces as high as a 6-log reduction.
2. Chlorine dioxide has a much wider pH spectrum than chlorine, making it more versatile and forgiving in a variety of application situations. Unlike chlorine, chlorine dioxide remains a true gas dissolved in solution. The lack of any significant reaction of chlorine dioxide with water is partly responsible for its ability to retain its biocidal effectiveness over a wide pH range. It also has limited reactions with organics, indicating that much more of the chlorine dioxide added to a system is available as a biocidal agent, and is not consumed to the degree that chlorine would be under the same circumstances. In addition, chlorine will react with, and be consumed by ammonia or any amine, while chlorine dioxide reacts very slowly with secondary amines, and sparingly with primary amines or ammonia.
3. Chlorine dioxide is registered with EPA (Registration No. 74986-1), and is considered an excellent bactericide, fungicide and antimicrobial agent. It has passed the EPA’s stringent DIS/TISS guidelines for use as a disinfectant and as a food-contact surface sanitizer.
4. The FDA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have approved stabilized sodium chlorite (a precursor) and chlorine dioxide in food processing plants for sanitizing and controlling bacteria and mold.
5. Chlorine dioxide is currently under EPA review as a surface sanitizer for E. coli O157:H7 and drug-resistant Salmonella. It is also currently under EPA review as a virucide for HIV and Hepatitis A and for use as a fungicide, virucide and algaecide.
6. Chlorine dioxide has been found to be one of the most effective tools for dispersing biofilms, and in some cases, inhibiting the formation of future biofilms. This function is especially valuable in the small cooling towers of food processing facilities where food product contamination can contribute to heavy films or algal slimes. Biofilm is a polysaccharide film or coating that protects and harbors viable bacteria colonies making surfaces more difficult to clean and disinfect.
7. Chlorine dioxide can be used on food-contact surfaces at diluted concentrations as low as 5 parts-per-million (ppm). In some cases, the compound has demonstrated a rapid kill of bacteria much less than the 30-minute period typically used in disinfection studies. Because it is so powerful in such small amounts, it is also extremely economical.
8. So far, problem cells have shown little ability to develop resistance to chlorine dioxide, as they can with other sanitizers, making it a consistent tool in the sanitation toolbox.
9. Chlorine dioxide generating systems can be used for odor control, sanitation and water purification applications. Birko Corp. offers an exclusive ClO2 generation system, which eliminates older, conventional “vacuum draw” technology, for outstanding consistency, accuracy and practical yield.
10. Unlike chlorine bleach and bromide, which make carcinogenic trihalomethanes that get washed down the drain and deposited in the environment, chlorine dioxide donates oxygen, breaking down to water, oxygen and common table salt. This makes it much less corrosive to equipment and a superb environmental choice. It also breaks down quickly, which means it won’t harm the soil or add toxic deposits to the ground.
“Chlorine dioxide has such a wide spectrum of uses,” Holzhauer says. “It’s got amazing firepower, it’s economical, and its environmental profile is safer than other choices. There’s nothing else out there that can compete.”
Source: www.birko.com
Uses & Benefits of Chlorine Dioxide
Powerful Disinfection in Water Treatment
Chlorine dioxide is a disinfectant. When added to drinking water, it helps destroy bacteria, viruses and some types of parasites that can make people sick, such as Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia.
Personal Care Products
Personal hygiene applications for chlorine dioxide include mouthwash, toothpaste and contact lens cleaners. Chlorine dioxide is used in dentistry as an oxidizing biocide compound to treat bad breath.
Industrial/Manufacturing Uses
Chlorine dioxide chemistry is used in a wide variety of industrial, oil and gas, food and municipal applications:
Food and Beverage Production
Chlorine dioxide can be used as an antimicrobial agent in water used in poultry processing and to wash fruits and vegetables.
Medical Applications
In hospitals and other healthcare environments, chlorine dioxide gas helps to sterilize medical and laboratory equipment, surfaces, rooms and tools. Researchers have found that at appropriate concentrations, chlorine dioxide is both “safe and effective” at helping to eliminate Legionella bacteria in hospital environments, as well as Legionnaires’ disease, a potentially deadly type of pneumonia caused by the Legionella pneumophila bacteria.
Other Industrial Uses
Chlorine dioxide used in oil and gas disinfection applications can help increase well performance and also combat oil souring and protect other fluids from spoilage. Chlorine dioxide is used in the electronics industry to clean circuit boards and as a bleach in the paper and textile manufacturing processes.
Safety Information
According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, chlorine dioxide is added to drinking water to protect people from waterborne pathogens. Chlorine dioxide is used to disinfect drinking water around the world and is approved for use by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and included in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also has approved the use of chlorine dioxide in certain food applications as well as in over-the-counter and prescription drugs.
In its pure form, chlorine dioxide is a hazardous gas but most people are “not likely” to breathe air containing dangerous levels of chlorine dioxide as it does not occur naturally in the environment. For workers who use chlorine dioxide, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration (OSHA) regulates the level of chlorine dioxide in workplace air for safety. OSHA has set a Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for chlorine dioxide at 0.1 parts per million (ppm), or 0.3 milligrams (mg) per cubic meters (m3) for workers using chlorine dioxide for general industrial purposes. OSHA also has a PEL for chlorine dioxide for the construction industry. Chlorine dioxide is always made at the location where it is used.
Chlorine Dioxide (aka MMS) Registered by the FDA for MRSA Prevention Protocol
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has recently registered a new product for preventing and eliminating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which causes potentially deadly infections commonly known as “staph” infections. The MRSA “super bug” is typically contracted in hospitals, in other healthcare environments, and in health clubs and locker rooms.
The EPA has registered Selectrocide chlorine dioxide for use as a disinfectant on hard, non-porous surfaces and instruments, including those used within hospitals and other medical settings. As a no-wipe, no-rinse spray, Selectrocide chlorine dioxide can also be used on hard, non-porous surfaces in health clubs, spas, public places and swimming facilities as a treatment against MRSA. The EPA has also registered Selectrocide as a disinfectant for vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis, athlete’s foot, Mycobacterium bovis (TB) and other pathogens that spread in many environments.
MRSA is usually spread by direct physical contact with those already infected or through indirect contact by touching objects (towels, clothes, sports equipment, etc.) that infected skin has contaminated. Consequently, any heavily trafficked area can be a source of infection.
According to a report by the BBC News, “Staphylococcus aureus is the leading cause of human infections in the skin and soft tissues, bones and joints, abscesses and normal heart valves. It flourishes in the hospital setting, producing bloodstream and surgical wound infections, including MRSA.” (news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/
Selectrocide is greater than 99% pure chlorine dioxide, an ideal biocide because of its ability to kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, and algae at low saturation levels (parts per million) in a manner that does not allow pathogens to build resistance to the compound.
Prior to Selectrocide, healthcare and health club environments were limited to using substances like bleach and quaternary ammonium compounds that can leave residue and require higher concentrations than does chlorine dioxide to achieve the same antimicrobial efficacy.
Selectrocide’s chlorine dioxide is produced in water and sprayed, mopped, or sponged onto surfaces that require disinfection. After application, the solution is left on target surfaces and does not require rinsing. Due to the comparatively low application concentrations required to kill pathogens, Selectrocide is compatible with most materials.
Staphylococcus aureus (SA)-Antibiotic Resistance (General): Throughout history, Staphylococcus aureus (SA) has been a dangerous pathogen once it has successfully breached the normal defense system. The first effective antibiotic against SA, penicillin, became available in the 1940s. Soon after, SA evolved resistance to penicillin, and by the late 1950s, 50 percent of all SA strains were resistant. Today, fewer than 10 percent of SA infections can be cured with penicillin.
The next weapons against SA, methicillin and cephalosporin, became available in the 1960s and 1970s. By the late 1970s, some strains of SA had evolved resistance to these drugs. Today, as many as 50 percent of SA strains isolated from U.S. hospitals are resistant to methicillin. (Source: National Institutes of Health)
Chlorine dioxide is effective at low concentrations across a wide range of pH (roughly 4 to 9), and, because it is a gas in its natural state, dissipates upon exposure to sunlight As a consequence, it is known widely as one of the most effective inhibitors of algae, yeast, mold, fungi and viruses. However, because transporting the gas is prohibited in all but frozen forms, pure chlorine dioxide has heretofore been limited to use in large concerns that employ chemical generators, such as pulp mills (controlling slime) and municipal water systems (water purification applications).
Similarly, in cleaning and antimicrobial knockdown applications, pure chlorine dioxide has been unavailable, and only with “stabilized” solutions or acidified sodium chlorite, which are corrosive and produce significant chemical residues, could any of the advantages of chlorine dioxide be realized.
JUST ADD WATER — AND WAIT. Now, Selectrocide brings the power of greater than 99% pure chlorine dioxide solutions to point-of-use applications. Selectrocide produces chlorine dioxide simply by submersing the product in water. The resulting chlorine dioxide solution can be used to kill disease-bearing bacteria, yeasts, molds, fungi and algae using spraying, washing or “dip” cleaning methods.
Selectrocide makes it possible-for the first time-to generate specific concentrations of chlorine dioxide at the point of use, at neutral pH and with very low residuals, using only tap water.
US EPA-registered as a disinfectant against MRSA, and other potentially virulent pathogens.
- Pathogens cannot build up resistance to Selectrocide because it kills harmful organisms by breaking down cell walls.
- Easy to use and does not require HAZMAT or complicated equipment
- Can be made on-site in specific quantities and in concentrations desired. Only tap water is required to generate the chlorine dioxide.
- Because it kills pathogens with such efficacy, Selectrocide may reduce costs because fewer disinfection treatments may be required during a given maintenance and cleaning cycle.
Source: http://www.healthfreedoms.org/
- Food Processing. Using a distinctive concentration of chlorine dioxide it provides specific microbiological control for the food and beverage industry, such as brewing and bottling, washing fruit and vegetables, poultry and meat processing, fish processing and dairy plants.
Using a distinctive concentration of chlorine dioxide it provides specific microbiological control for the food and beverage industry, such as brewing and bottling, washing fruit and vegetables, poultry and meat processing, fish processing and dairy plants. Chlorine dioxide does not react with most “organics” in flume water; this makes it a very effective disinfectant. It is also an excellent odor neutralizer, helping to neutralize foul smelling odors including secondary and tertiary amines formed in the meat packing industry.
A list of possible markets to apply Dutrion products are:
- Fruit and vegetable processing.
- Poultry processing.
- Food contact paper manufacture.
- Cleaning pasteurizers, warmers and coolers.
- Disinfection of packing operations.
- Flume water control.
- Water treatment.
- Equipment disinfection.
- Disinfection of tankers, vehicles and transportation vessels.
Cleaning in place (CIP) and sanitizing operations
Active chlorine dioxide can be very effective when used as the final sanitizing rinse in CIP systems, including filler rooms. Typically applied at low concentrations with a short contact time. It leaves no toxic residues to interfere with other chemical/biochemical processes. Chlorine dioxide works quickly and breaks down into inert compounds. Its unique chemistry produces no toxic by-products (such as THM’s) and is therefore an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional sanitizers.
Other examples of sanitizing applications for Dutrion products are:
- Cleaning pasteurizers, bottle/can warmers and coolers.
- Chain and conveyor spray in bakeries.
- Crate washing, bottle wash, staff hand wash.
- Water purification and disinfection of water distribution and storage tanks.
- Mold and odor control with Dutrion or DutriGel.
- Sanitation of tanker trucks, wagons and transportation vessels.
Source: http://dutrion.com/chlorine-
- This recent Cancer Patent #US10105389B1
was granted and published 2018-10-23
2019-05-26: Application status is Active
2037-03-31: Anticipated Expiration
Britain attacks MMS but allows this!
Biox Aqua Water Treatment : https://www.youtube.com/watch?
- Look at this patented product being used around the world and even receiving awards! Look at what this company says about the amazing chlorine dioxide molecule!
We are celebrating ten years of hyperpure chlorine-dioxide, a Hungarian invention on its way to redefine the fight against infections. The manufacturing process of hyperpure chlorine-dioxide is now patented in several countries around the world including the U.S. and China.
The patent is the basis of our successful product, Solumium.
SOLUMIUM® is one of the most effective ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS, ever!
It kills all pathogens including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses. And it does all that without harming you: it has no known side-effects. Solumium is based on a new Hungarian invention: Prof. Zoltán Noszticzius and coworkers succeeded in producing hyperpure chlorine-dioxide, one of the world’s strongest and friendliest antimicrobial agents.
The Solumium production procedure is protected by Hungarian, European, American, and Chinese patents.
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce announced Prof. Zoltán Noszticzius and his application about Solumium as the winner of the 2015 interdisciplinary innovation award. Visit our MEDIA menu to see photos of the Grand Prize ceremony.
We find that the most creditable way of promotion is word of mouth. However, after Solumium received the Swedish Grand Prize Award in 2015, extensive articles began appearing about our success in most major Hungarian newspapers like Magyar Nemzet, Népszabadság, HVG, and, most recently, the Hungarian version of Forbes NEXT.
All big Hungarian television networks have also featured full interviews with Prof. Noszticzius. The press buzz has certainly increased public awareness of the invention in Hungary. We are confident that the magic moment of worldwide recognition is not far away for Solumium.
The background of the unique properties of Solumium is unfolded in a recent scientific article by Prof. Zoltán Noszticzius and colleagues, in the scientific journal PLOS ONE. The extended version of the article, which includes case studies on the treatment of wounds infected with resistant bacteria, can be read at the Cornell University website arXiv. Source: https://journals.plos.org/
- Environmental Protection Agency. 1999, April. Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants. Retrieved June 15, 2010 from http://www.epa.gov/safewater/
mdbp/pdf/alter/chapt_4.pdf - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. 1994, September. ToxFAQs™ for Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite. Retrieved June 15, 2010 from http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/
tfacts160.html - Proof That The FDA Does Consider Chlorine Dioxide As Safe
They Gave CD GRAS Status Then Lied About it to the Public,
and allows others to keep lying to the people. - Cell apoptosis inducer containing chlorine dioxide and use thereof in preparing cosmetics or anti-aging or antineoplastic drugs: https://patents.google.com/
As for ProKure V, here is some info from your “HISTORY-OF-CHLORINE-DIOXIDE.
- 2012 (January)
ProKure revolutionizes the way CD is deployed. For the first time, because of ProKure’s patented technology, CD can be created at any time, and anywhere there’s water. It can now be safely transported in dry pouches and made into a liquid disinfectant and deodorizer on site and on demand. In essence, the ProKure product line has made it possible for industries and companies of all sizes (not just a select few) to quickly and easily unleash the amazing power of chlorine dioxide.
- 2014 (November)
CD is now two hundred years old. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) registers ProKure V as a disinfectant against the Ebola virus. ProKure V begins to kill pathogens in a matter of seconds, whereas other commonly used, more traditional disinfectants take minutes. The rapid speed in which ProKure V kills pathogens makes it a product of choice for helping contain infectious-disease outbreaks and keeping public facilities cleaners and safer for everyone.
Their website is www.prokuresolutions.com.
COVID-19 – How can I cure thee?
Let me count the ways
Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, July 18, 2020
(OMNS July 18, 2020) Probably never before in history has anything or any event mixed fact, fiction, fear, and confusion like the COVID-19 pandemic of 2019-2020. Political and medical “experts” have been in abundance, primarily regurgitating the same message as though it was something new every time they get interviewed: wash your hands, maintain social distancing, and wear a mask as much as possible.
And the public and the news media always take great comfort that an “expert” told them the truth. Trouble is, you can always find another “expert” of equal credentials who will offer a completely contradictory perspective. Understandably, this generates much of the fear and confusion noted above. The good hygiene and virus avoidance advice noted above is helpful, although it is probably a bit overblown when discussing how important a mask is in preventing virus transmission, especially outdoors.
It seems ludicrous to mandate mask wearing at all times, indoors and outdoors, although this is being given consideration by some governmental (and medical) authorities at the time of this writing. However, this advice only scratches the surface with regard to the numerous options available to avoid contracting this infection, or to even cure it.
There is no point in suffering from misguided advice when COVID-19 can be prevented or reliably cured in short order. As will be clearly explained in this article, nobody needs to die from COVID-19, or even to suffer needlessly (as many virus victims have remained quite ill for months before finally recovering).
While still unknown to most practitioners of traditional, or “modern” medicine, acute viral syndromes, COVID-19 included, can all be easily prevented most of the time. And when such viruses do get a foothold in the body, they are still easily eradicated if the patient is not too close to death before receiving any of a large number of treatments established to be effective.
Many doctors get attacked for promoting treatments as cures for afflictions that are traditionally considered to be incurable. Certainly, it is true that some treatments promoted as being reliable cures are either fraudulent or of only nominal benefit. However, failing to assert the validity of a true cure for a medical condition is just as detrimental to the health of an ailing patient as it is promoting a false cure. Many doctors know of highly beneficial treatments that cure or vastly improve medical conditions that are little affected by traditional therapies. Yet, fear of license revocation for telling the truth about inexpensive and natural therapies that cannot be protected by patents keeps most health care practitioners from promoting those beneficial therapies.
Nothing is ever embraced, and seemingly not even permitted, that would take away large profits from pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and even many of the doctors themselves. Whenever you are absolutely stupefied and cannot figure out why a valuable treatment is not being used, just take the time to identify, expose, and analyze the money trail that is involved with the prescription drugs and/or overall treatment protocol that would be displaced. [1] The reason for the avoidance or suppression of that therapy will then become apparent.
To be perfectly clear: The health of the patient must always be the primary concern whenever rendering medical care.
There exists a first amendment right in the United States that permits free speech, including the writing of books and articles. This right has even protected authors that openly provide information on how to make bombs and promote terrorism. One can only hope that discussing inexpensive and effective medical treatments will continue to receive the same protection. However, it is very clear that this right is rapidly disappearing, in light of the open suppression of free speech that has been occurring for some time, but especially in the last few months. In light of this, then, the information in this article is being presented.
There already exist numerous ways to reliably prevent, mitigate, and even cure COVID-19, including in late-stage patients who are already ventilator-dependent. Some of the modalities have already been proven to work, although not in the classic “prospective double-blind, placebo-controlled trials” conducted on hundreds to thousands of patients.
A perceptive clinician realizes that one overwhelmingly impressive case report where an agent or intervention promptly and unequivocally reverses the condition of a rapidly declining patient back to good health simply cannot be dismissed and disparaged as anecdotal and irrelevant. Furthermore, it is the existence of such cases and unequivocally positive responses that makes it completely unethical to put other patients into placebo-controlled trials when the treatment is dramatically beneficial to most patients and harmless to all. Allowing patients in the placebo group to suffer greatly and even die under such circumstances can never be justified.
Unfortunately, even when multiple scientifically-sound clinical studies actually do get conducted and reported on inexpensive, nontoxic, and highly effective therapies, those therapies rarely get utilized clinically. Although there are many examples of such therapies, an especially noteworthy example of the suppression of good medicine is seen with vitamin C.
The continued avoidance of the use of intravenous vitamin C, especially in septic patients in the intensive unit, [2] stands out as a clear example of flagrant malpractice. Conservatively, thousands of ICU patients around the world, on a daily basis, would be saved or at least spared substantial suffering with a simple protocol utilizing intravenous vitamin C. And the morbidity and mortality of many different infections and toxin exposures outside of the ICU setting would also be readily mitigated and even resolved with vitamin C-based protocols.
But this is not happening, even though the literature has unequivocally indicated the clinical importance (and safety) of vitamin C for over 80 years. [3]
The following therapies can be used, and many have been used, to prevent and treat COVID-19 (and many other infections, viral or otherwise). Not all of them have been equally well-documented or proven as being effective. Some have strong literature, research study, and clinical support. Others represent simply logical applications of treatment protocols that have already been proven to be highly effective in eradicating other viral infections and should be expected to have comparable effects on the COVID-19 virus.
The treatments described below are categorized as having the ability to prevent, to improve and to cure COVID-19 and other viral syndromes.
Vitamin C (prevents, improves, cures)
Vitamin C has been documented to readily cure all acute viral syndromes in which it has been adequately dosed. As the ultimate virucide, vitamin C has been documented to inactivate/destroy every virus against which it was tested in vitro (in the test tube). Similarly, vitamin C has consistently resolved nearly all acute viral infections in patients treated with sufficient doses. [1,3] Vitamin C has cured Zika fever, another epidemic virus that struck in 2016. [4] Along with hydrogen peroxide, intravenous vitamin C has also been documented to be highly effective against the debilitating pain of Chikungunya virus. [5] Intravenous vitamin C has also resolved influenza. [6] A high degree of protection against infection by many other pathogens is also achievable with a variety of treatments featuring oral forms of vitamin C.
In an ongoing clinical study on hospitalized COVID-19 patients, a combination of vitamin C, methylprednisolone, heparin, and thiamine has already resulted in a dramatic decrease in hospital mortality rate. [7]
Vitamin D (prevents, improves)
Vitamin D has been clearly documented to strengthen immune function and decrease the risk of infection from any pathogen, including the COVID-19 virus. Patients with the highest vitamin D levels have shorter and less symptomatic courses of infection. While vitamin D has not been demonstrated to cure viruses as a monotherapy, maintaining an adequate level of vitamin D is vital for both preventing the contraction of infectious diseases as well as for recovering more rapidly from such infections, with a clear decrease in mortality rate. [8] In a recent study not yet published, Indonesian researchers studied the effects of vitamin D on mortality in 780 patients hospitalized with COVID-19. They found that nearly all (98.9%) of COVID-19 patients with vitamin D levels below 20 ng/ml died. Yet, less than 5% with substantially higher levels of vitamin D died. Consistent with these findings, it has been shown that the most life-threatening complication of COVID-19 infection, acute respiratory distress syndrome, occurs much more readily in the presence of a vitamin D deficiency. [9] Clearly, vitamin D supplementation should be part of any treatment protocol for COVID-19 or any other infectious disease.
Zinc (prevents, improves)
Zinc is needed inside the virus-infected cells to stop virus replication by inhibiting viral RNA polymerase. It is a possibility that many of the younger individuals that are either killed or made severely ill by COVID-19 are chronically zinc-depleted due to inadvertently zinc-deficient diets. Since supplemental zinc has only a limited ability to reach the cytoplasm of cells due to its ionic nature, zinc ionophores (agents that complex with zinc and transport it into the cell) are known to be good general antiviral agents. Quercetin is one such supplement, and it can serve as a good adjunctive agent to any COVID-19 treatment protocol. [10] Chloroquine, discussed below, is also a zinc ionophore, perhaps explaining its potent anti-COVID-19 effects.
Magnesium Chloride (prevents, improves, may cure)
Magnesium, especially as magnesium chloride, has been documented to have substantial antipathogen properties, and it has been reported to cure poliovirus infections as a monotherapy when ingested orally. [11] While it remains unclear what an aggressive regimen of this agent would do as a monotherapy for COVID-19, it can be expected to be a positive adjunctive agent in any COVID-19 prevention or treatment protocol.
Ozone (improves, cures)
Ozone is probably the single most potent antipathogen agent available today. It readily eradicates all pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. It has many routes of administration and can be utilized as an effective monotherapy, although it positively supports all treatment protocols in an adjunctive and usually synergistic fashion as well. [12] Ozone has been documented to cure advanced cases of Ebola virus, for which there are still no known effective mainstream medical therapies. [13] For someone with ready access to ozone, different applications of ozone could certainly be used to prevent COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses as well. However, with the other simple and effective antiviral measures listed in this article, using ozone for prevention is not really needed.
Hydrogen Peroxide (prevents, improves, cures)
Hydrogen peroxide has been used for many years as a monotherapy as well as part of many different treatment protocols for a wide variety of infections. A clinically effective dose will typically cost less than a dime. During a severe epidemic of influenza in 1919 a protocol of intravenous hydrogen peroxide given only to the most severely ill patients dramatically decreased the death rate. [14]
Due to its well-documented and potent antipathogen properties, along with producing no toxic byproducts upon killing pathogens, hydrogen peroxide is now being proposed in the literature for an off-label use via oral and nasal washing, a regimen of gargling, and administration via nebulization immediately upon symptom appearance with the presumptive diagnosis of COVID-19. [15,16] Impressive anecdotal evidence already indicates that this application, especially via nebulization, appears to be a powerful preventive and even curative therapy against all respiratory-acquired infections, viral or otherwise.
In addition to nebulization with hydrogen peroxide, a large number of other agents can also be nebulized that have pathogen-killing and mucosal cell-healing properties, including, but not limited to: DMSO, magnesium chloride, sodium ascorbate [vitamin C], nascent iodine, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, zinc chloride, glutathione, and N-acetyl cysteine.
Hyperbaric Oxygen (may improve, may cure)
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the breathing of pure oxygen inside a chamber that is pressurized between 1.5 to 3 times normal atmospheric pressure. It has been documented to consistently help eradicate deep-seated and otherwise non-healing wounds and infections. [17] Ozone therapy, which has destroyed all viruses and pathogens against which it has been tested, has been shown to share some mechanisms of action with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This certainly raises the reasonable possibility that hyperbaric oxygen might also be a very effective antiviral therapy in addition to its established antibacterial effects. [18]
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (improves, may cure)
Also known as photo-oxidation therapy, ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy has been effectively treating infections for many decades now. In a series of 36 cases of acute polio (spinal type), the blood irradiation treatment was successful in curing 100% of these patients. Viral hepatitis and bacterial sepsis were also found to be very effectively treated with ultraviolet blood irradiation. [19] This irradiation therapy would likely be equally effective against any other pathogens, especially viruses.
Chlorine Dioxide (improves, cures)
Chlorine dioxide has long been recognized as a powerful antimicrobial agent. It has been around for over 100 years, and it is used both to purify water and to purify blood to be used for transfusion. As a therapeutic agent for infectious diseases, it has been given both orally and intravenously with great effect, and it has been shown to be very effective against COVID-19 as well. [20,21] Dr. Andreas Kalcker directed a clinical study with doctors in Ecuador on COVID-19 patients using oral and intravenous chlorine dioxide. 97% of over 100 COVID-19 patients were vastly improved with clear remission of the severest symptoms after a four-day treatment regimen with chlorine dioxide. No deaths were reported. Oftentimes a dramatic clinical response was seen after only 24 hours. [22] A clinical study on the effects of oral chlorine dioxide on COVID-19 patients in Colombia was initiated in April of this year. [23]
Dexamethasone (improves)
Early findings in the Randomized Evaluation of COVid-19 thERapY (RECOVERY) Trial in the United Kingdom indicate that the addition of dexamethasone significantly improved clinical outcome in COVID-19 patients. A 35% reduction in death was seen in treated patients already dependent on mechanical ventilation, and a 20% reduction in death was seen in the treated patient group just receiving supplemental oxygen therapy. [24] This response of COVID-19 patients on ventilators is very consistent with the benefits of dexamethasone seen with acute respiratory distress syndrome unrelated to COVID-19. [25]
Budesonide (may prevent, improves, may cure)
Budesonide is a corticosteroid approved for inhalation via a nebulizer (Pulmicort Respules), and it is primarily used for persistent asthma and asthma exacerbations in children and infants as young as 12 months. [26,27] Dr. Richard Bartlett, a West Texas physician, has treated several dozen COVID-19 patients as of mid-June with nebulized budesonide, and he has asserted that all have promptly and dramatically responded positively and none have died. Sequential, or even combined, nebulizations of budesonide and hydrogen peroxide would appear to have great potential for a safe and rapidly effective treatment for any respiratory virus, including COVID-19. The hydrogen peroxide would serve to promptly kill the virus in the airways, and the corticosteroid would relieve the COVID-19 inflammation (“cytokine storm”) and the associated shortness of breath. Nebulized budesonide has also been shown to be an effective treatment for preventing fungal infections of the nose and sinuses. [28]
Patients already on mechanical ventilation can also benefit greatly from the direct nebulization of therapeutic agents through the endotracheal tube. [29,30] This can certainly be done with budesonide [31] and hydrogen peroxide as well. Too many ventilator-dependent patients are left to eventually overcome the virus with whatever remaining immune capacity they have. Having a treatment that can directly attack the virus present in the lungs while relieving the inflammation with a resultant improvement in oxygenation should result in many of these patients getting weaned off the ventilators and eventually recovering completely. To date, being hospitalized with COVID-19 and eventually ending up on a ventilator still appears to be a death sentence for the vast majority of such patients.
Convalescent Plasma (improves, may cure)
Convalescent plasma is plasma collected from individuals who have recovered from an infectious disease resulting in the formation of antibodies. Depending on the severity of COVID-19 infection and the inherent immune capacity in a given patient, the transfusion of convalescent plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients has nearly always significantly reduced the viral load and clinically improved the patient. When the viral load is lowered dramatically, a clinical cure can be expected. A significantly improved survival rate has been seen in COVID-19 patients who have received convalescent plasma therapy. [32,33]
Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine (prevents, improves, cures)
I have had the opportunity to see clear-cut and dramatically positive clinical responses in six individuals with rapidly evolving symptoms consistent with fulminant COVID-19 infection treated with oral chloroquine phosphate. In these individuals (ranging from 35 to 65 years of age), therapy was initiated when breathing was very already very difficult and continuing to worsen. In all six, significant improvement in breathing was seen within about four hours after the first dose, with a complete clinical recovery seen after about an average of three days. The oldest individual had a pulse oximeter reading of 80 before the first dose of chloroquine, and the reading improved to 94 after about four hours as the labored breathing eased. The rapidity with which the shortness of breath evolved in all these individuals strongly suggested that respiratory failure secondary to COVID-19-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome was imminent. The chloroquine dosing was continued for several days after complete clinical resolution to prevent any possible clinical relapse. While a large, definitive study on chloroquine and COVID-19 remains to be completed, there is already a great deal of published evidence supporting its effectiveness and overall safety. [34,35] Also, a recent clinical trial demonstrated that hydroxychloroquine given with azithromycin eradicated or significantly decreased measured viral load in respiratory swabs. [36]
Both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are old drugs that are very safe at the doses shown to be effective in treating COVID-19, and they are both recognized as having significant nonspecific antiviral properties. Also, chloroquine, and probably hydroxychloroquine as well, are zinc ionophores, [37,38] which is likely the reason why they have such significant antiviral properties. As noted above in the discussion on zinc, agents that greatly facilitate zinc transport inside virus-infected cells rapidly accelerate virus destruction and clinical resolution of the viral infection. Many clinicians now feel that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine therapy for COVID-19 and other viruses is optimized by concomitant zinc administration. [39,40] Certainly, there is no good reason to avoid taking zinc with these agents.
As might be expected, drugs as potently antiviral to COVID-19 as chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine would be expected to be effective preventive agents as well, particularly in the setting where exposure is known or strongly suspected to have taken place, or in a setting where repeated and substantial exposure will reliably occur, as in COVID-19-treating hospitals. [41,42] Many front-line health care workers are on such preventive protocols. But many of the physicians who are taking one of these agents to prevent COVID-19 infection are still resistant to giving it to infected patients. This is difficult to logically reconcile if patient welfare is of the uppermost concern.
Radiotherapy (improves, cures)
In a recent pilot trial at Emory University, five nursing home patients hospitalized with COVID-19 were given a single treatment of low-dose radiotherapy over the lungs. All five patients had radiographic evidence of pneumonia and required supplemental oxygen. All five were felt to be deteriorating from a clinical perspective. The radiotherapy consisted of a 10- to 15-minute application of 1.5 Gy (150 rads). Four of the five patients were noted to have a rapid improvement in their breathing, and clinical recovery was seen to occur between 3 and 96 hours post-irradiation.
General Recommendations
While many supplement regimens can be used for COVID-19 prevention, such regimens should include at a minimum vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium chloride, and zinc. Any of many additional quality nutrient and antioxidant supplements can be added as desired, largely dependent on expense and personal preference.
Nebulizations of powerful antipathogen agents, especially hydrogen peroxide, can readily prevent respiratory viral infections like COVID-19 from taking hold, and initiating such nebulizations even after an infection has been contracted will still make a substantial contribution to a more rapid and complete recovery.
As noted earlier, interventions such as ozone and ultraviolet blood treatments have the potential to be effective monotherapies, although it is always a good idea to accompany such treatments with the baseline supplementation regimen and nebulizations as mentioned above.
In the hospitalized setting, intravenous vitamin C and dexamethasone should always be part of the treatment regimen. Nebulizations with hydrogen peroxide and budesonide can accelerate recovery substantially. Also, patients already on ventilator support should always be given vitamin C and dexamethasone along with these nebulizations in addition to anything else felt to be indicated by the attending physician.
Low doses of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine along with zinc should always be given in the setting of high-risk exposure. Azithromycin can be taken with these agents as well. Higher doses of these agents should always be part of any regimen in the treatment of a suspected or diagnosed COVID-19 patient, whether asymptomatic or already in the hospital.
While the politics of the COVID-19 pandemic are beyond the scope and aim of this article, there remain no valid medical reasons for not using any of the agents or interventions itemized above for either preventing or treating COVID-19 patients. Furthermore, many combinations of these treatments can be applied, depending on their availability and the clinical status of a given patient.
Traditional medicine insists on “proof” of any therapy before it is used routinely, even though this standard of proof is never actually obtained for many of the usual prescription drug approaches to infections and other diseases. When an agent is inexpensive, virtually harmless, and with substantial evidence of providing benefit, there is no justification for a physician to refuse or even actively block its administration to a patient otherwise assured of prolonged suffering and likely death (as with hospitalized COVID-19 patients on ventilation support).
With the treatment options available, there is no good reason for most people to even contract COVID-19, and there is certainly no good reason for anyone to die from this virus, much less have a prolonged clinical course of infection with a great deal of needless suffering.
Please note: None of the information in this article is intended to be utilized by anyone as direct medical advice. Rather, the article is intended only to make the reader aware of other treatment possibilities and documented scientific information that can be further discussed with a chosen health care professional.
(Cardiologist and attorney Thomas E. Levy is the author of a number of books, including Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins; Primal Panacea; and Stop America’s #1 Killer. His email is televymd@yahoo.com).
(please go to article source here)
COVID-19 Fact Sheet
by Gabriel Cousens, MD
found at: https://www.creationsmagazine.com/2020/07/17/covid-19-fact-sheet-by-gabriel-cousens-md/
Dear Friends,
Putting together an understanding of the COVID-19 event with all the mass hysteria, misinformation, and hyperbole is not easy. In approaching this, I’ve tried to stick with statistics and published papers; however, I’m choosing not to footnote everything because this isn’t a doctoral thesis. I share here a list of facts that give us an ability to shape our own analyses. All these facts I’m presenting are backed by the scientific literature.
Statistical Inefficacy of Lockdowns:
There appears to be no difference in outcome between lockdown countries and non-lockdown countries. Research in comparing the two approaches did not find a significant difference in outcome. Non-lockdown countries such as Belarus, Sweden, Japan did equal to, and in some situations better, than lockdown countries.
In countries like the US and the UK, with lockdowns, the overall mortality is in the range of a strong influenza season. In countries where social distancing was not enforced, the rate of mortality may have even been lower than countries with enforced social distancing. For example, in Taiwan, population 24 million, only 7 people have died. In Japan, population 121 million, less than 1,000 died. In Singapore, less than 12 have died, and in Iceland, 10 people have died.
Because of its low fatality rate, COVID-19 falls into the second tier of the 5-level pandemic plan developed by US authorities. Level-2 calls for only the voluntary isolation of sick people. Further measures such as facemasks, contact tracing, school closing, distance rules, vaccinations, and lockdowns of entire societies are not recommended for this tier.
In May of 2020, Germany’s Bild newspaper wrote, “Lockdown was a Huge Mistake”.
JP Morgan’s actuarial showed that the longer the lockdown, the greater the death rate. They cite that where no lockdown, such as North Dakota, there are 5 deaths in 100,000. With a 30-day lockdown, there are 8 deaths per 100K. With a 40-day lockdown, there are 16 deaths per 100K. With a 50-day lockdown, there are 20 deaths per 100K. In lockdowns greater than 2 months, there are 32 deaths per 100K. The longest lockdown had 5 times higher fatality compared to the shortest lockdown duration.
In countries without curfews and contact bans, such as Japan, Belarus, Sweden, South Korea, and Taiwan, there was no increased mortality compared to those with curfews and contact bans.
Stanford professor and Nobel laureate in chemistry, Michael Levitt, points out that the lockdown didn’t save lives but cost many.
Serious experts in virology and infectious disease and epidemiology, such as Stanford professor Scott Atlas, who said in an interview with CNN, “The idea of having to stop COVID has created a catastrophic healthcare situation.”
British Chief medical officer Chris Whitty stated, “There is no danger to the vast majority of the population.”
Professor Yoram Lass, former director-general of Israel’s ministry of health suggests the lockdown measures have been disproportionate and represent a serious threat to hundreds of millions of people. He suggests that people have been intimidated and “brainwashed”.
The German Ministry of the Interior, responsible for disaster protection, in a 100-page analysis on COVID management, described the pandemic as a global false alarm and that the collateral damage caused by the lockdown is significantly higher than the lockdown’s benefit and far exceeds the risk potential of the virus.
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi who founded the Association of Physicians and Scientists of Health, Freedom, and Democracy with over 16,000 supporters made a statement to the Federal Government and state governments to immediately and completely lift the COVID-19 measures. He is also the author of the book Corona – A False Alarm.
One of the world’s most renowned epidemiology experts, Johan Giesecke, former first chief scientist of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, said, “Measures we should take against the pandemic should be evidence-based. When you start looking at the measures now taken by different countries, very few have a shred of evidence.”
In perspective, the COVID-19 pandemic is less deadly than the 1919 Spanish Flu, the 1958 Asian Flu, and the 1968 Hong Kong Flu.
The overall deaths and hospitalizations have decreased although numbers testing positive have increased.
In general, there are over 250 experts worldwide who disagree with the governmental and international attempted enforced COVID-19 dogmas. For example, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons sued the FDA for “irrational interference of access to life saving hydroxychloroquine”. [June 14, 2020] In their lawsuit they say, “Hydroxychloroquine is the first choice in a study of 6,000 doctors in treating the coronavirus.”
The lockdown has created lethal levels of unemployment with greatly increased levels of suicide, child abuse, spousal abuse, drug abuse, and depression.
Already, there are reports that isolation measures are triggering more domestic violence in some areas. Prolonged school closings are preventing special needs children from receiving treatment and could presage a rise in dropouts and delinquency. Public health centers will lose funding, causing a decline in their services and the health of their communities. A surge in unemployment to 20% – a forecast now common in Western economies – could cause an additional 20,000 suicides in Europe and the United States among those out of work or entering a near-empty job market.
During the last recession, from 2007-2009, the bleak job market helped spike suicide rates in the United States and Europe, claiming the lives of 10,000 more people than before the downturn.
A 1% increase in unemployment can result in 39,000 deaths of despair over the next 5 years. Unemployment rates of 15% create an increased rate of suicide up to 800,000 additional deaths. These deaths are labeled “deaths of despair”, which include socially isolated people facing an increased risk of death from heart disease.
The YWCA of Northern New Jersey, in another example, told Reuters its domestic violence calls have risen 24%.
Mandatory quarantines have been shown to have devastating impacts on the social, economic, psychological, physical, and spiritual wellbeing of healthy individuals.
First-time job hunters seeking work during periods of high unemployment live shorter, unhealthier lives, research shows. An extended freeze of the economy could shorten the lifespan of 6.4 million Americans entering the job market by an average of about two years, said Hannes Schwandt, a health economics researcher at Northwestern University, who conducted the study with von Wachter. This would be 12.8 million years of life lost.
In 2015 a study showed that men have up to an 85% increased risk of all-cause mortality after losing their jobs.
In 2019, WHO’s study on public health measures against pandemics of influenza found that contact tracing is not recommended in any circumstances.
In the history of pandemics, there’s never been any quarantine of healthy people. This quarantine of healthy people is a dangerous approach with no scientific validity.
Is the cure worse than the disease, where fear and anxiety have kept people focused on the small picture rather than the big picture, such as 130 million people in Africa starving to death from the effects of the lockdown in the US?
The sage Dr. Alan Keys said, “I raise the question that individual fear for life is disproportionate to losing our way of life and our very nation and freedom.”
Inefficacy of Masks:
Worldwide research on mask efficacy showed no difference in outcome whether one wears a mask or not.
A cross-country study published by the University of East Anglia concluded that the mask requirement has no benefit and may increase the risk of infection.
Two US professors in respiratory protection from the University of Illinois explain in an essay that the masks do not affect self-protection or protection of third parties. As noted in the news, masks didn’t prevent the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan.
The Annals of Internal Medicine published a study in April 2020 stating that neither fabric masks nor surgical masks could prevent the spread of COVID-19 by coughing.
In the New England Journal of Medicine (May 2020), an article appeared that concluded that masks offer little or no protection in everyday life. The call for a mask requirement was described as “irrational fear reflex”.
In searching the worldwide literature, there is no peer-reviewed study showing the efficacy of facemasks amongst healthy or asymptomatic individuals. Research suggests that people who are physically sick should wear facemasks to protect those around them. In emergency and surgery rooms, facemasks prevent saliva and nasal secretions from falling onto the ill and operated upon and are not necessarily for prevention against viral disease.
Wearing a mask may be detrimental to your health.
It’s not natural to rebreathe exhaled air. Masks increase levels of CO2 which raises it in the blood to potentially harmful levels. Excess CO2 is associated with mental confusion, unclear thinking, visual disturbances, headaches, and nausea. If you insist on wearing a mask, don’t do it while driving as it decreases one’s ability to drive safely.
Wearing a mask may further compromise those with existing lung conditions such as asthma, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, and COPD
Facemasks cause people to rebreathe exhaled viruses, increasing the number of viruses in the nose, giving these access to the brain via olfactory nerves.
N95 masks have been shown to lower blood oxygen up to 20% below the normal levels, which may cause blackout or death in those already oxygen compromised.
No Transmission of COVID-19 by Asymptomatic Carriers:
WHO declared in June 2020 that the transmission of disease from asymptomatic people is rare.
WHO has issued a statement saying, “No evidence of asymptomatic COVID-19 transmission, so no need for restrictions if you’re not sick.” This statement suggests that asymptomatic people are not contagious and implies that only symptomatic people should wear masks.
Up to 80% of all who tested positive remain symptom-free.
Those of the age group of 70-79, 60% who tested positive remain symptom-free.
95% of people who contracted COVID-19 either had no symptoms or a mild degree of illness and quickly recovered. 5% suffered from a more serious illness.
A study in respiratory medicine, May 13, 2020, done in China on the infectivity of asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers closely followed 450 contacts exposed to asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers, which included 35 patients, 196 family members, and 224 hospital staff, who were exposed for at least 4 days, showed that none of the 455 people exposed contracted COVID-19.
Exaggerated Lethality of COVID-19:
The latest immunological studies show the overall fatality at approximately 0.1%. Other studies suggest it’s as low as 0.03%.
The median age of mortality is over 80 years, with somewhere between 96-99% having at least 1 co-morbidity factor and 50% having at least 3 co-morbidity factors, including type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease and cancer.
On average, around the world, up to 2/3s of deaths occurred in nursing homes.
The death rate in healthy elderly people is around 1%. 99% of those infected, recover.
Dr. John Ioannidis, professor of medicine and health research policy at Stanford stated, “If COVID-19 deaths were added to the flu deaths from last seasons, we would see no noticeable difference from normal deaths from flu.”
Dr. John Ioannidis stated that among people under the age of 65, the death rate is 6 per million. This is .0006% of those infected.
The risk of the lethality of COVID-19 in the general population of school and working-age people is the same as the risk of death during one’s daily car ride to work.
Dr. John Ioannidis showed that people under 45 years of age had an almost 0% risk of mortality.
Both COVID-19 and influenza, in general, may cause venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. It’s been known for 50 years that influenza increases the risk of these pathologies.
Short-lived Existence of COVID-19 Antibodies
(raising the question of vaccine efficacy):
A study in the Journal of Nature Medicine suggests that the antibodies against COVID-19 post-infection may be lost after 2 months [and may not offer any validity to herd immunity].
Research also showed that asymptomatic people still produced antibodies, but they fell to undetectable levels in 40% of asymptomatic people compared with 13% of those with symptoms.
In the MIT Technology Review, in a study between 2016 and 2018, Columbia University scientists, in studying 4 coronaviruses (HKU-1, NL-63, C-229-E, OC-42), found that people frequently became re-infected with the same coronavirus even in the same year and sometimes more than once. (Note: This is distinctly different from infections like measles and chickenpox in which after recovery one had lifelong immunity.) Study co-author Jefferey Shaman warned that unlike some viruses, in COVID-19, immunity seems to wane quickly.
This again raises a huge question about the idea of a vaccine for COVID-19 having lifelong protection.
The results of these studies certainly cast doubt on the idea of immunity passports.
Research from the Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital and the University of Texas showed that more than 10% of people in their study lost antibody protection within 30 days. Dr. Wang stated, “The idea of immune certification for recovered COVID-19 patients is invalid.” The study supports statements from the WHO that immunity from 1-time infection is unproven.
Currently, there is no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and who have antibodies are protected from a second infection.
The South China Morning Post notes that scientists said that 25% of workers could have been infected at some point but only 4% developed antibodies.
The research reported by the New York Times suggests that antibodies against COVID-19 can fade away in 2-3 months especially if it’s a mild case. Immunity passports make no sense if this is true.
COVID-19 and Children:
There’s no scientific evidence to suggest a medical reason for the closure of schools as the risk of disease and transmission in children is close to zero.
Countries that had reopened their schools in May of 2020 saw no increases in cases of infection. Sweden, which never closed its primary schools had no increase in the incidence of COVID-19 cases in children.
The German Medical Association has stated that COVID-19 is a minimal or mild risk to children and the middle schools and daycares should be open without restriction.
There are no medical reasons for smaller classes and social distancing in schools. The chance of a child dying of COVID-19 is less than that of them being struck by lightning.
COVID-19 Vaccine:
Many medical experts feel that the proposed coronavirus vaccine is unnecessary or even dangerous.
An increasing number of scientific evidence suggests that vaccination may increase the risk of harmful or deadly overreaction (such as cytokine storm) to the virus, or simply severe lung damage.
A Pentagon study showed those vaccinated against the flu are 36% more likely to contract COVID-19.
One study found children younger than 18 who received the flu vaccination had a higher risk of developing viral pneumonia.
An Australia study showed a 55% greater risk of developing a lung infection after vaccination.
Vaccinated children had a 4.4-time greater risk of developing a serious viral lung infection.
Preliminary research at MODERNA on developing the RNA vaccine showed that 20% of participants in the high dose group had serious side effects.
A study in China, April 18, 2020, showed that COVID-19 had mutated into at least 30 different variations. This raises questions about any potential usefulness of a vaccine designed against one particular variation.
As we review all these scientific facts and thoughtful opinions, from the spiritual and prophetic perspective, COVID-19 could be seen as a direct message to humanity to return to God, reconnect to the soul, and return to living in harmony on all levels with the living planet. It’s time to start living life and wake up to God.
Being Healthy is Your Best Protection Against COVID-19:
In Northern Italy, the death rate among healthy elderly was 0.8%.
For those who are committed to optimal holistic health, research shows that if you’re healthy at any age (up to 106 years old) your rates of infection remain equal to that of those aged 50 and younger.
The main protection against COVID-19 is being healthy and cultivating a healthy terrain, which includes a healthy body, immune system, emotions, and spiritual and reconnecting with our soul.
Gabriel Cousens, MD is the author of twelve internationally acclaimed books including Conscious Parenting and Spiritual Nutrition. Known worldwide as a spiritual teacher and the leading expert in live, plant-sourced nutrition, Dr. Cousens functions as a holistic physician, psychiatrist, family therapist, and cutting edge researcher on healing diabetes naturally. He holds an M.D. from Columbia Medical School, a doctorate in homeopathy, and diplomas in Ayurveda, clinical acupuncture, and holistic medicine. His multi-cultural background as an ordained rabbi, an acknowledged yogi, and a four-year Native American Sundancer, adds insight to his “whole-person enlightenment” teachings. Dr. Cousens is the founder and director of the Tree of Life Foundation, a non-profit humanitarian organization with 26 programs in 12 different countries. In his book, There Is A Cure For Diabetes, Dr. Cousens presents unparalleled results from his center’s program for reversing diabetes naturally.
Links, Additional Information, etc
by J.Hamilton
Visionaries Thrive In All Times is the first of five books by author and consultant J.Hamilton to remind ourselves of the power of our inner nature and how, by managing our mind and our choices, we can become empowered in difficult times. Reality creating is what we do in every moment of every day and we do so with positivity and a bright outlook, or we do so in resistance and reaction to the world around us. Curiously, resistance and rigidity brings us more of the same while allowing delivers something new and something newly possible in each moment!
J.Hamilton’s definition of a visionary is “one who “looks through” the debris field of life to the end result; a visionary is one who looks over the top of problems, sees only solutions, and is thereby guided.” As we learn how to listen within, we have better insights as to where to put our attention and focus. Where our attention goes, so goes our reality creating and our life, and our momentum–and our results! According to the quality of the choices we make, we are met with our next set of choices. As we learn how to make better choices, better choices await–and allowing gets easier!
For More Information: Visionaries Thrive In All Times, About J.Hamilton, VisionariesLab Notes, The Power of Polarity and Choice
There is a solution to the ills of humankind, the pollution, the poverty and disease, the violence and disregard for human rights in general, and the rights of individuals specifically. It is available right now. Because the human species appears to be out of its natural state of connection with Source, it is out of its natural state of governance that the rest of life on this planet abides by. And, without our natural state of connection with Source we are dysfunctional–and quite so.
Hint: just look around!
CORE Resonance is about enabling our natural state of connection with Source by using a mechanism that quiets and refines the human nervous system, not so different from a lifetime of meditation, such that we become enabled of “listening” to our subtle connection which naturally delivers guidance and order.
As we quiet this internal “living antenna system” our natural state of guidance again becomes available. Where once we walked through mud puddles, as we became intentional, we walked around mud puddles; as we “plug” into Source, there are no mud puddles.
For more information: COREresonance, Quantum Activism, Coherence Dissipates Distortion, Exponential Contribution, 1st Colony
Bacteria and Virus Defense Guide tutorial PDF Download
I was just introduced to the fact that we are made up of about 6 trillion cells, we contain about 40 trillion bacteria (microbiome) and about 380 trillion viruses (virome) use us as a host. In nature, viruses outnumber bacteria by about 10 to 1. It turns out our immune system manages all of this..
Baking Soda
I have a number of Dr. Mark Sircus’ eBooks and he makes more sense than most any group of doctors combined. Dr. Sircus (acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine) offers a bicarbonate (baking soda) solution based on alkalizing the body to resist any virus. After all, viruses thrive in low alkaline, low oxygen environments.. hmm.. High alkalinity is powerful. He says we need just a few things to keep healthy. Check out another article titled Safest Inexpensive Medicines for the World. He is also a believer that the coronavirus is vastly overblown and with some moderate preparation, most will be fine. See below articles by Dr. Mark Sircus.
Ear Plugs
I am astounded by how much better I sleep with earplugs! I sleep much deeper, much less likely to wake because “I sense” I have to pee which isn’t really necessary and I am astounded by how simple it is. In fact, with earplugs, my mind “goes quiet..” I sleep so much better. And deep sleep is excellent for your immune system! Check out Flents Quiet Please Ear Plugs (50 Pair) NRR 29 as an example of what kind of earplugs to buy. Add a MZOO Sleep Eye Mask or similar, and you are in sleep heaven.
We were introduced to a Chinese medicine doctor just before the coronavirus became news. As part of his standard recommendations, he recommended a nebulizer for delivering his structured water. We use our nebulizer for his water along with colloidal silver and we are going to try ozonated water. We feel nebulizing with colloidal silver is very effective. I had a reoccurring sore spot just forming and nebulizing silver cleared it up within a day. For more information.
We Share Our Planet With Animals Who Do Just Fine Without Rules And Regulations. — Sometimes We Just Forget The Magic Of It All!
There is not doubt that life on this planet is extraordinary. There is no doubt that we have little learned our lessons about meshing with life on this planet. There is little doubt that the human species is sick, in part by not paying attention to our station in life on this planet. Yes we are a powerful species but we are not alone. If but we would take the time to look, watch and listen, we might re-remember how special this all is. And, maybe treat each other, all of “each other,” a little more kindly.
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Jim Hamilton
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