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Quantum Activism

for a planet in need of a few good ideas

–© 2015 J.Hamilton

When I discovered what became CORE Resonance in 2006, there was no language for it. After all, it was very subtle and basically undiscovered. Slowly I started putting words to thoughts, feelings, insights and observations, and slowly these insights became phrases and sentences and eventually paragraphs and concepts. And finally, a still unfolding technology.

Quantum Activism seems to be its best use so far. I discovered this technology pioneering the sales and marketing for a neurofeedback startup company in 2006-2007. I personally sold exactly $1M over a 14 month period using several principles from my first book Visionaries Thrive In All Times (2005). In the end, I realized that by quieting the nervous system, the brain in particular, using a variation on modern neurofeedback, one can access nonresistance for which everything changes. The phrase “newfound synchronicity, harmony and order” was coined at this time as an expression of what was occurring. And, I discovered that:

access to nonresistance delivers one to Presence. In Presence, Guidance becomes available, and Guidance delivers one to Order. Simple as that!

Having just completed Visionaries Thrive In All Times exploring how we create our realities, I became subtly aware of shifts in my personal reality creating giving rise to my first insights as I adventured forth. It turns out resistance is a significant factor in human reality creating and as we move toward nonresistance and allowing, our reality creating dramatically shifts for the better. Because of the nature of resistance, humanity is out of sync with the larger Whole and accordingly, we are quite dysfunctional as a species.

In resistance, we interfere with the flow of God expressing through usas it does in perfection with every other species on this planet. When we are out of sync with our connection with Source, we lack the fundamental tools to thrive individually or collectively.

Everything Is A Subset Of God
Everything is a means; everything is a throughput mechanism and method for Innate Intelligence, Source, Universal Mind, God, etc., to express through. We assume our importance, we assume our individuality and even our “I” ness, but in fact we are first and foremost a fancy mechanism for Innate Intelligence to express Itself! It is in the sophistication of our nervous system that “awareness,” i.e., “we” come to exist, but that is another story.

Agent Smith

In resistance, we distort the perfection of what naturally flows through us. After all, we are among the most sophisticated nervous systems on the planet but out of sync with our nature we are, among other things, seemingly destroying our one and only home.

Agent Smith remarks about this dichotomy in the first of the Matrix films. 

CORE Resonance Is About How To Quiet The Mind;
how to quell resistance for which Presence becomes available for which much larger possibilities and expressions become possible. Our personal and collective evolution is to become hosts for Innate Intelligence expressing through us without distortion,

such that we become able to deliver a solutions-orientation to a planet in need of a few good ideas, and advance our own nature at the same time. After all, there is far more available in this partnership; this blending with the forces of Nature. Advanced states of consciousness are the grandest adventure of all.

CORE Resonance uses a modern adaptation of neurofeedback, wherein we put an individual in front of a computer and allow the brain to find itself through a series of exercises, protocols and resultant feedback. The computer, software and resultant feedback act like a technology mirror to enhance the brain’s discovery of itself. It is important to note that there is no programming or imprinting of information, ideas, sounds, or other outside influences to the brain which is the biggest single part of the nervous system.

Accordingly, we let the brain find itself through this neurofeedback feedback mechanism and let the brain clean itself upitself! 

The brain reorganizes itself similar to a computer defragging a hard drive (but without the programming)
for which all new levels of personal performance become available.


ColumbiaUniversity_reversedThe brain, never designed to process the world in the first place, finds itself on vast overload and out of sync with its natural state of connection attempting to manually process the world on its own. Instead, the brain as part of the nervous system is a receiver. We receive our thoughts, we receive our insights, discoveries, invention and processes, not to mention Guidance and Intuition, to the point that:

in 1922, two Columbia University professors cataloged 148 major inventions, discoveries and processes og the previous 400 years that were made independently but concurrently, to the point that “concurrent inventions, discoveries and processes seem to be the rule rather than the exception.” Reference:

•  Are Inventions Inevitable? A Note on Social Evolution by William F. Ogburn and Dorothy Thomas of Columbia University (1922)

•  “the pattern of independent multiple discoveries in science is in principle the dominant pattern, rather than a subsidiary one,”
Robert K Merton (1960), a preeminent sociologist from Columbia University

•  “90-98% of patent lawsuits are filed against independent inventors and not copiers.”
Mark A Lemley, Stanford School of Law, (2011)

CORE Resonance Is About Quieting The Brain
by giving it a type of exercise that allows it to discover itself via the computer screen and audio/ video feedback and begin to clean itself up. Not so different from a blind person beginning to be able to see, one cleans the dust bunnies from under the bed and basically re-organizes their living space as they become able to do so. As the brain discovers itself, it will do the same.

As the brain organizes itself, the brain quiets down. As the brain quiets down, initially it has more horsepower. According to my observations, quieting the brain delivers three main areas of interest:

1) As we quiet the brain, we become less reactive to our environments and allowing grows. As we have more horsepower, we process more incoming information and our reactionary, resistance and defensive posturing subsides. This can be witnessed as readily documentable ease and order in our livesmore recently defined as the discovery of coherence and resonance in our lives.

Additionally, as allowing becomes more available, our reality creating brings us new experiences that are more allowable which becomes a new type of momentum based on allowing. [Identifying shifts in my reality creating was the foundation of these discoveries.]

2) As we quiet the brain, the brain begins to process what it once could not. For some reason, the brain stores what it cannot process. Trauma, defined as what the brain cannot process at the time, or process at its next opportunity (during sleep, etc.) instead stores the experience. As the brain comes to have more horsepower, it starts to process what it once could not: held trauma.

Accordingly, our lives, our automated patterns and habits, in part, a product of held trauma and “this won’t ever happen to me again” scenarios begin to revise themselves into a new and more refined and supportive expression. Our subconscious mind begins to serve us!

Note: Unconsciously held patterns and habits run and automate our lives. Patterns and habits are what the brain produces and stores (perceived as the subconscious mind) so as to avoid constantly manually processing the massive amount of incoming information produced by the world along with our reactionary perspectives. Instead, the brain learns and settles into automated and habitual patterns and habits to “free up resources” and thus we run most of our lives on variations of “automatic” though we did not consciously choose these patterns and habits.

As we “clear up” held trauma, defensive patterns and habits fall away.

3) As we quiet the brain and nervous system, our subtle connection with the Cosmos becomes evident. This very subtle connection is readily drowned out by the noise, racket and dysfunction of a brain on overload. As we quiet the brain, this subtle connection becomes available. And, as the brain naturally begins to rebuild this connection, which is synonymous with “going Home,” the mind naturally subsides; the mind naturally quiets down!

This is the only way to truly quiet the mind that I am aware of other than being the recipient of several generations of meditation. Most therapies use the mind as a component of the mechanism to attempt to quiet the mind.

Most don’t realize you can’t quiet the mind with the mind..

I see this connection to Home; a reenabling of our natural state of connection with Innate Intelligence, Source, etc., as a “corridor” over my right shoulder. It looks a bit like Ocotillo cactus bones in the colors of dappled rust red and gold. And, as we build this connection Home, the mind naturally subsides. Reality creating continues to refine itself as the mind (synonymous with resistance and time) continues to quiet down, resistance fades and we continue our upward climb. There comes a point in this process that delivers us to Presence.

Presence is the absence of mind, time and resistance.

In Presence is found Guidance and Guidance delivers us to Order for which we then become able to mesh with the Whole. Reality creating jumps to a whole new levels of “synchronicity, harmony and order” as evidence of this shift.

As we develop this connection (hint: this connection is not a product of the mind), Innate Guidance becomes available. Innate Guidance “travels back down” the corridor ultimately looking out through your eyes (so to speak). I used to describe unconditional love as Innate Guidance looking out through our eyes and processing the world on our behalf for which “meshing with the whole” becomes available.

I now describe unconditional love as simply “no resistance to our Maker.”

As we become whole in our partnership with Innate Intelligence and accordingly Innate Guidance, we become mechanisms by which solutions are delivered into this dimension. After all, the universe is solutions-oriented, ever unfolding, and with no shortage of resources. As we become a host, Innate Intelligence expresses solutions through us to a planet in need of a few good ideas.

1) The Maharishi Effect™ Demonstrates This Concept Perfectly
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi understood that one percent of a population meditating in a region powerfully influences that region. This insight initially “published” in the ancient Vedas is 7000+ years old. In one of Maharishi’s many demonstrations, 4,000 experienced meditators arrived in Washington DC during the summer of 1993. Washington DC, a hotbed of murder, rape, mayhem, crime, etc., was a perfect environment for academics, sociologists, criminologists and other professionals  to witness the power of this concept. With professionals watching, murder, rape, assault, etc., dropped 23.3 percent over a seven-week period! Unofficially, automobile accidents dropped at the same rate.

Reference: The Maharishi Effect Numerous References page.

The Sanskrit expression for the above phenomena “tat sannidhau vairatyagah” translates:
“In the vicinity of coherence, hostilities are eliminated.”

My interpretation of this principle is 4,000 experienced meditators quietly “becoming empty,” allow Innate Intelligence, Source, God, the Cosmos, etc., to peak out of their nervous systems, coalesce the frequency of God as coherence, for which the overall dissonance of Washington DC diminished by 23.3 percent! (Similar demonstrations have been repeated multiples of times.)

Important: While this demonstration was established, observed and measured by the mind, the results were far beyond the mind’s capacity to produce. The mind set up the demonstration, made a place for the demonstration to occur, and recorded the results. The mind however in no manner directed, influenced or was otherwise part of what occurred.

Instead, the mind was absent!

Through the sophistication of a quieted nervous system sans resistance, Innate Intelligence “peeked out” through these quieted nervous systems, coalesced as coherence and delivered solutions to a community in need of a few good ideas.

2) David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Published The Map Of Consciousness
as a component of Power vs Force in 1995. The Map of Consciousness displays a variation on the Maharishi Effect™ and identifies a similar but more distinct understanding of the exponential multiplier effect. The Map identifies that one person at 700 on the Map (admittedly a very high number) is able to counterbalance the negativity of 70 million people below 200! One person at 600 counterbalances the negativity of 10 million people below 200, and one person at 500 counterbalances the negativity of 750,000 below 200, and so on.

As we move up The Map of Consciousness; as we become more conscious and aware, we become less resistant and more allowing. As we become more allowing, Innate Intelligence flows through us more effectively and with less distortion! Consciousness and resistance and polar opposites!

The release of resistance is the mechanism by which consciousness expands and we evolve and move forward as a species. It is actually as simple as that!

Dr. Hawkins has stated that most people advance two points in a lifetime. While 200 to 202 offers a bigger gain than 150 to 152, 450 to 452 is even a much larger logarithmic/ exponential gain. It is speculated that CORE Resonance can deliver as much as 200 points to an individual in a short period of time because CORE Resonance can rapidly reduce internal resistance in one’s life. The scenario that Colonies™ can be made up of six individuals who quickly move into the range of 600/ 650 or possibly even 700 on the Map is a powerful idea though we don’t measure the ongoing consciousness of participants. Measuring individual consciousness is far too linear and we leave linear far behind 🙂

There are many demonstrations of collective consciousness influencing the whole beginning to crop up. And while volumes could be written, just several are touched on here including The Global Consciousness Project, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR), The Intention Experiment, The Global Peace Intention Experiment, The Global Coherence Initiative and many others. According to The Emerging Global Brain [excerpt], we are right on time. We are valuable to each other and ourselves in the exercise of the unfolding of our very nature through advancing consciousness.

Through the use of CORE Resonance Training™, we can take consciousness to a whole new scale of order by putting six individuals together in a Colony™. Suddenly, not only do we have six members individually rapidly rising up the Map of Consciousness but is the power six times 650, or are the six individuals at 650 a portal for Innate Intelligence expressing far larger? Creating an environment in which six refined and coherent individuals partner with Innate Intelligence, we suddenly have the foundation for a solution for a planet in need of a few good ideas—and far, far, far beyond the envisioning’s of the mind.

Colonies™ Counter The Ills Of The Planet
In side-stepping the biggest problem of all, the mind of man, we find solutions. Our planet is overrun by the human mind which at the same time is cowed by government, resistant to what it does not understand, and otherwise reactionary to the world around it. And, to make matters worse, the human mind inadvertently looks to government, corporations and other artificial entities as authority figures for leadership and direction! Corporations instead manipulate humans and encourage them with false narrative and otherwise storylines delivered by marketing schemes and recommendations to “buy, buy, buy.”

Note: Governments and corporations are not good role models for human beings. Artificial entities do not in any manner teach empowerment to human beings!

Human beings are the most valuable resource on the planet because we create “out of thin air.” Thoughts amalgamate (attract) in our nervous systems/ fields which then express outward as ideas, thoughts, inventions, discoveries and processes, not to mention our labor, i.e., the sweat off our brow. Human beings are valuable beyond measure because of our ability to produce symphonies, bridges, architecture, science, art and beauty as well as the little things, i.e., a thoughtful lunch, or the gift of flowers as aspects of our creativity and feeling. Corporations and gov, as artificial entities, having no nervous systems and incapable of knowing the difference between right and wrong, live on our backs.

Corporations, created for profit and control, having inadvertently become the leaders of the humans, are “mindlessly” destroying our one and only planet. 

To solve our problem as a species, we need to go beyond the mind, go beyond artificial leadership, and plug into what’s true. We need to take back what is rightfully ours!


CORE Resonance Colonies™
A Colony™ is a group of six individuals who wish to contribute to making the world a better place. Anyone who perceives themselves as an activist or lightworker, or someone who simply cares about contributing to useful change on the planet is welcome. Anyone who knows we have a problem and wishes contribute to the unfolding of the solution in its highest understanding and for which time is seemingly a bit short, there is plenty to do!

Colonies™ are for those who wish to become “powerfully and usefully influential” at a critical time on planet earth!

A Colony™ is a group of six individuals, supporting each other to become coherent and accordingly, resonant. A Colony™ is a mechanism for Innate Intelligence to express through us unimpeded; not so different from the Maharishi Effect™ but “exponentially” so. As a collective of six individuals with refined nervous systems heading toward and beyond 700, the principles of The Maharishi Effect and Dr. David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness move us to a new level of understanding. Driven by Innate Intelligence expressing through us, guided by Innate Guidance with exponential multipliers at our side, and us as willing participants, we become the mechanism for much needed change!

We fast track our planet and ourselves to the next level of our evolution “for the ride of a lifetime!”

TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance
is a variation on CORE Resonance Colonies™. Instead of tapping into and rapidly advancing consciousness for the purpose of advancing consciousness on the planet by rapidly advancing individual consciousness, TapRoot™ is intended to ground Innate Intelligence into the foundation of intentional corporations, intentional and green organizations, intentional communities and other intentional groups so that these intentional groups can be infused with Innate Intelligence at their foundation to then go forward in a coherent, resonant and far more functional manner.

TapRoot™ can be employed within teams or any centralized organization that wishes to ground Innate Intelligence into their organizations to better serve themselves and the world around them.

The solution for humanity and the planet is to re-enable our natural state of connection with Source. We are a huge presence on this planet. We have marvelous abilities and as we hone them at this particular juncture of our history as a species, we have the possibility of truly vaulting our existence and that of our neighbors and friends to untold heights of beauty and grace and peace and prosperity and allowing and being.

We do this by a refining of our listening and sensing mechanism for which Innate Intelligence and Innate Guidance become available to deliver us individually and collectively back on track to our intended function, i.e., a sophisticated mechanism for Innate Intelligence expressing through us into this dimension,

for which we get the “ride of a lifetime.” As participants of the “rising up” of consciousness on a planet, we become enabled of a view almost no one anywhere on or off this planet has ever experienced.

Ascension Becomes Available As Humans Get It Right
hosted by a planet that knows no bounds in love, allowing and birthing the next iteration of life as a cradle for what’s next for those who want to become more.

We have just discovered the mechanism of ascension. It is right under our nose, and it is found in our intact partnership with Innate Intelligence that becomes available as resistance and overload fades. In ascension, we have a true identity partnered with Innate Intelligence streaming from our eyes leaving life better than we found it as we explore ever vaster realms leaving hints for species still struggling to get it right.

We have just discovered the definition of Success. It is us—blended and enabled of our connection with Source. 


Beyond resistance lies a world of synchronicity, harmony and order
Said another way, resistance brings us everything we do not want
                              nosce te ipsum
                                            tat sannidhau vairatyagah

About J.Hamilton
The Twelve Premises of CORE Resonance Colonies
(Synopsis and free eBook download)

J.Hamilton’s latest articles include CORE Resonance Colonies™, TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance, Colonize Earth First, Quantum Activism,  1st Colony (video record of the first six months), Is Coherence The New Magic?Coherence Is The Solution We Have Been Looking For, Exponential Contribution and The Power of Polarity and Choice.

PS From the third physicist I worked with, Servando throws out an idea: In conversation between a few physicists, they speculated among themselves about how much knowledge humanity has achieved measured by an imaginary 5000 mile line between Vermont and Hawaii. After all, humans have quantum physics, string theory, superfluidity, super computers, etc. And while there was disagreement as to the exact place mankind fit on this imaginary line, it was agreed that the overall distance that humanity has covered in their quest for knowledge was less than 1/2 inch! 

This means that the trees, plains, lakes, rivers, mountains, desert, sky and the moon and the Pacific and all of the life stretching between Vermont and Hawaii lay undiscovered, not to mention the space and order between the atoms and protons and neutrons. The traditional model for science based on the human mind projecting forward is woefully inadequate and massively deficient. If we want to go forward as a species, we need to let go of the limitations of the mind, partner with something bigger than ourselves, and make sure our partnership is true. We will then fulfill our potential individually and collectively. And the world will become a wonderful place!



Build what’s next..

TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance
Intentional Communities and Intentional Corporations
~harnessing the power of coherent groups~
CORE Resonance Colonies

Problems are of the mind,
Solutions are of the Divine..™

Alignment before Action
each and every day
stay tuned™
